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what is a world transfer

Ok this sounds really dumb :( but what is a world transfer (of items) and how does it work?

It sounds risky, how does it actually happen, and does it contravene OTMs T&C ?

thank you
ChopstikNinja - Regretfully Retired from Celtic Heroes
Highest rank:Top 10 or so across all servers September?? 2014
Dollars Spent: $210?? Give or take $20
World: Crom
Class: Mage
Level: 206+
Senior Publicist, The Dal Riata Enquirer

Re: what is a world transfer

A world transfer is when one player trades items on one world for another.An example of this is if a player from Epona wanted to transfer to Crom.Said Player would set up a deal with the Crom player to exchange items on Epona for ones on Crom. This can be risky so be careful if you do try this.

Hope it helped

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