Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Hi, Potential New Player...Need honest answers

Hi CH Forums!

I just got my new iPad Air, and what's a better way to start using it than downloading an MMORPG?

So after doing some quick research I have come to realize the two biggest 3D MMORPGs are Celtic Heroes and "Order and Chaos Online". As I continued to embark on getting to know the two games better I have also realized that many of the comments about Celtic Heroes is mainly from 2012. Taking reviews from then isn't viable at all, especially since I come across this post from 2013 that said that Celtic Heroes was upgrading to a new graphical engine.

Don't mean to be rude when I ask this, but I was looking for fresh reviews from people who play both or played both at one point.

Graphics? Grinding? Balance? Fun? More user friendly? Gets better updates?

As I see it now, O&C has better graphics (not sure if the new engine thing for CH is real or not, and if it is did it actually happen?). Celtic Heroes is free. Celtic Heroes requires more grinding to level up (from a review in 2012).

Honest reviews please :)

Bonus Question: Anyone know anything about Midgard Rising 3D?

Re: Hi, Potential New Player...Need honest answers

Hi potential new player!

So, some answers to your questions, however I haven't played Order and Chaos, so this will be only about Celtic Heroes.

So, currently CH has decent graphics for many games that I have played the team at OTM (One Thumb Mobile, the company that created it) created the game engine from scratch from what I recall, so it is pretty limited. However, they have been working quite hard on a new graphics engine, which should be out in a few months.
Here are some pics of the game, I can only do 3 pics, but there are several areas,
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This games sadly does not have too much to do aside from leveling, there is a quite good quest line until around lvl 60, then it sort of tapers off until around 100, where its pretty much just lvling and killing bosses to collect different pieces for quest armor.

When you said balance, I will take a guess that you are talking about class balance and mob/player balance.
First, class balance: there are 5 classes, the Druid, the Ranger, the Warrior, the Rogue and the Mage.

The Druid is a master of nature, they have weak armor, but powerful healing and support spells, they are the best class to
have along.
The Ranger is a master of ranged combat, with skills that allow them to slow down enemies, as well as to fill them up with
arrows as fast as possible, Rangers have medium armor.
The Warrior is the tank of the classes, it has heavy armor, as well as many skills to make yourself stronger and the enemy
The Rogue is a fast killer, they have the fastest weapon speed, as well as very fast and strong skills, however they have
medium armor, and usually not as much life as many other classes.
The Mage is a master of magic, they have various ice and fire spells, as well as special skills that lower resistances of mobs.
They are known for their high damage, however, they have weak armor.

Player/mob balance, mostly it is pretty well balanced, but once you get to above lvl 60 or so, you will need to have various pieces of so-called luxury items to survive. They cost quite a bit, but once you have them it is easier to lvl.

In my long experience with the game, although it is fun leveling and killing bosses, the best part in my opinion is the social interaction. CH focuses a great deal on the social part of gaming, you can talk to other players very easily, and many of the players are nice. You can join clans as well.

More user friendly:
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this, but it is a pretty simple game to play.

Better updates:
This is a topic of much discussion. So far OTM has only implemented 4 major updates, the most recent of which was about June? of 2013. These have added new areas, bosses, mobs, quests, equipment and more. They also do seasonal events, Winter, Summer, and Fall, as well as a shorter one during the birthday of CH. These seasonal events add new quests, bosses, and some new items for the duration of the event only.

Yes, Celtic Heroes does take a large amount of grinding to level up, but it is pretty easy for the most part, until around lvl 100 or so, in which case it is difficult without using Elixirs, which are bought with real money, yet can be traded amongst players and don't cost much.

This is the best I could do, hope this helps!

As to Midgard Rising 3D, I actually played it recently, but only for a little bit before getting bored. It seemed like an interesting game, but was kind of confusing imo.
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
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Harbinger of cold hard logic and reason.
Check out the player-run Celtic Heroes Database!: celticheroesdb.com!

Re: Hi, Potential New Player...Need honest answers

If you like playing a game where there is always something you can do, go with O&C.

If you like waiting for spawns while you chat with friends, go with CH.

Midgard Rising UI sucks when I tried it, it was clumsy and the graphics/animation felt I was playing a game made in the early 2000s

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Hi, Potential New Player...Need honest answers

As others have said, once you get to higher levels CH becomes much more about leveling, killing bosses, and chatting with friends. The people playing ch are awesome, and you get to know almost everyone on the server very well, unlike other MMOs I have played.

As for the class balances, Warriors are good all around, Rangers can solo pretty well/don't cost very much, Rogues kill things hecka fast and are rather OP in most instances, Mages have energy and armor issues but are otherwise very fun to play and have cool skills, and Druids suck at everything until about 150+ and then become quite OP (although they can't solo level for their life).

Hope this helps ;) CH has a great community.
World Taranis

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Aedin Flameborn

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Re: Hi, Potential New Player...Need honest answers

If you like playing a game where there is always something you can do, go with O&C.

If you like waiting for spawns while you chat with friends, go with CH.

Midgard Rising UI sucks when I tried it, it was clumsy and the graphics/animation felt I was playing a game made in the early 2000s
I agree with ail. Oac is better then ch, ch is better then midgard, and you can also try games like avabel online. Its a good game as well.
Android Tester :)
Not playing atm!

Re: Hi, Potential New Player...Need honest answers

If you like playing a game where there is always something you can do, go with O&C.

If you like waiting for spawns while you chat with friends, go with CH.

Midgard Rising UI sucks when I tried it, it was clumsy and the graphics/animation felt I was playing a game made in the early 2000s
I agree with ail. Oac is better then ch, ch is better then midgard, and you can also try games like avabel online. Its a good game as well.
Thank you all for your answers!

I donwloaded and started playing CH, since it's free after all. Pretty solid. Kind of reminds me of my old days at Runescape years ago (But I guess all RPGs do lol).

I also just checked out Avabel, reminds me of Aion a bit, but much more undeveloped...unless Im confused. Graphics are pretty sweet too, would say its a bit better than CH. But it's not as smooth as CH.

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