Minoru...the account has been mine almost a year now and i am one of the highest rouge too. But someone has say that he make the ban to my account since he knows my username and all info of me. My fault was i liked(past tense) someone in game and he use my info to ban me. Twice now. Can he do that? He been bragging he done the ban to my account but i know he doesn't know my password cause the account register to my email. The celtics should be able to tell the real owner of the account from the email. If my char not high level, i can create another one without a wink. I put too much hours and money in this account to be ban from someone that want take revenge on me for not accepting him back. Admn of celtics ... please help me.
[email protected]
To unban you account e-mail: appeals @onethumbmobile.com (Remember, sometimes they do not unban a account)
Ok, the first sentence tells me that the account does not originally belong you but was shared which is against TOS. They are not called celtics, it is OTM (onethumbmobile). Also you never and I mean never give your info out. So be honest, did you create that account or did someone give it to you?