Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Platinum...still not working

Don't worry, you won't have lost any money in trying to purchase the platinum.

I've taken a look at the video you have posted. The issue you appear to have is contacting Apple when trying to purchase the Platinum.

Normally, when you purchase Platinum, if you tap on a certain amount, a pop-up appears asking if you are certain you wish to buy that amount of Platinum. This pop-up is generated by Apple, and acts as a confirmation for the Platinum purchase.

From your video I can see this pop-up is not appearing, which means you are unable to contact the Apple servers. Therefore, no purchase of Platinum has been made, and so no money has been spent.

Unfortunately I don't know how this can be fixed, as the issue is not with the game itself, but rather it seems to be your connection to the Apple servers.
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Re: Platinum...still not working

Don't worry, you won't have lost any money in trying to purchase the platinum.

I've taken a look at the video you have posted. The issue you appear to have is contacting Apple when trying to purchase the Platinum.

Normally, when you purchase Platinum, if you tap on a certain amount, a pop-up appears asking if you are certain you wish to buy that amount of Platinum. This pop-up is generated by Apple, and acts as a confirmation for the Platinum purchase.

From your video I can see this pop-up is not appearing, which means you are unable to contact the Apple servers. Therefore, no purchase of Platinum has been made, and so no money has been spent.

Unfortunately I don't know how this can be fixed, as the issue is not with the game itself, but rather it seems to be your connection to the Apple servers.
Oh no...so ur saying I have to call apple now?

Re: Platinum...is working.. at least for me..

I redeemed a 15 dollar apple today and had no problem purchasing the 150 plat a 2x 10 plat ... Im connecting from toronto canada on my home ip and connection... Of course i have a non -jailbroken ipad...

If your on gwydion drop me a line.. im mrBojangles as my name here is...
Gwydion - Warrior - MrBojangles ( TANK ) ........... Lvl 48.
Gwydion - Druid - NoLeafClover (HEALER) ........... Lvl 26

Re: Platinum...still not working

My friend also had this problem. But this was because he had jailbroken his iPod and try to steal platinum. If u have iAP cracker from cydia then this is what happens. I suggest not trying to steal.
ooooo i have iap for nova warfare i deleted it and it worked xD thanks dude

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