Conflict removed and username updated to "YOURUSERNAME"ios and "YOURUSERNAME"androidI would like to get my little brothers account conflict removed plz. He hasn’t played in a while so he doesn’t really know what his character names are but the account is REMOVED on lugh iOS device
Re: Account Conflict PW
#12I've sent emails about this but I'm just trying to recover an account that I worked on for four years and worked very hard to get over level 220. I had a ranger that I haven't used since 2015 but as I'm trying to get back into the game, I'm not able to get back into my account because of the "Account Conflict PW" notification I get when trying to log in. Very frustrating and I would very much like for it to be resolved.
Account name is Firestorm1508 and my world is Epona.
Account name is Firestorm1508 and my world is Epona.
Re: Account Conflict PW
#13Please wait for our Support team to respond to your original request. Apologize for the inconvenience.