Celtic Heroes

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Either I'm really forgetful, or my things keep dissapearing.

So, on my char KingRaaa (World, Rhiannon) My festive (5%) sled has gone missing. I may have sold it, may have put it on an alt of mine, I don't know. I asked support if they could find out what happened to it (If somebody else has it), but surprise surprise, you are responsible for your own items.. Which means I still don't know where it is. I've checked all my alts and banks that I can think of.. (Lots of alt banks for me, I made me all for security in case me gets hacked before official banks were made :) )

I also have no idea what happened to my vanquisher shield...
I know I didn't sell it, and there's been no word on it from support.

Basically, I have a bad memory that supports not helping out with, or items are dissapearing randomly.

So.. If I could get any help from this, twould be great thanks

195 Rogue
Android Tester
There is a chicken-lover on Rhiannon with a total of 13137

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