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The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

We need a transfer or mail system and I've been scammd

Admin immso mad there is no system in loce to protect players with transferring or mailing items your st the mercy of who you kno and they are libel to have their account compromised at ny moment. Today I logged on my "friend" ice fire known om these forums as rebirth asked me to invite him to clan imsaid sure we shot the unfathomable asked me if I wanted to train,mimsaid sure could you transfer for me? As he has a hudred times and I habe him before. He stole my golden trident of magic and earthstone boots. He is now the player know as ffffuuuu dawningdragon gothealthforu dunksmage. I just think its bull admin, you guys wash your hands of the scamming problem and don't do anything about it.this kid has been scamming people for six months I've reported him numerous times, if you devised a system, banned him like the third time I reported him for scamming people this shitwould f happend but no, you leave the onus on us. Well I want my items back, I thin it's not fair that there is no policy in olace no alternate system you leave it up to us to police ourselves no moderators no banning scammers nothing. This kid is responsible for more people qutting thsn anyone half my friends habe had their accounts stolen by him their items eberything and you guys sit idly by but take my money for plat which although this game is free in name it ist rally you need plat to play and that's that.so admin I'm asking or demanding, I want my messy two items back, a system in place to transfer items between your alts and a way to punish notrious scammers intead of letting into om.
I'm Simon Cyrene, lleu on gwydion server, my items were a trident of magic and earth stone boots. The person was in the icefire account at about ten am today check the chat logs. But for the love of god, DO SOMETHING FOR ONCE BESIDES TAKE MY MONEY FOR PLAT AND PROVIDE NO REAL SUPPORTNOR RECOMPENSE!

Re: Admin we need a transfer or mail system and I've been sc

Yeah it's just, this kid is the bane of the server
He legit has about twenty different scammed accts he is playing on on one device
He is a twelve year old boy
He originally was dawning dragon he was invited to my clan he initianlly was really nice was in clan for like a week ultra helpful and stuff
He does this so people will trust him and do a trans and to steal their stuff.
It's because as he says my parents won't let me buy plat it's too hard to get good stuff it's easier to just level up to,forty get into a clan and steal there stuff. He ripped off eberyone in my clan in a day
He then leaves doesn pay that character for a whole trans it onto diff acc and usesmitmtill he gets bored a day or two and then sells it cheap
He current is...dawning dragon, shepmalnick,old homie,dunks mage.dunks ranger,icefire,jonesco, galdiator
These are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head
The first washes original main the other accs he has scammed off others
And pretends ro be them

Re: Admin we need a transfer or mail system and I've been sc

Yeah it's just, this kid is the bane of the server
He legit has about twenty different scammed accts he is playing on on one device
He is a twelve year old boy
He originally was dawning dragon he was invited to my clan he initianlly was really nice was in clan for like a week ultra helpful and stuff
He does this so people will trust him and do a trans and to steal their stuff.
It's because as he says my parents won't let me buy plat it's too hard to get good stuff it's easier to just level up to,forty get into a clan and steal there stuff. He ripped off eberyone in my clan in a day
He then leaves doesn pay that character for a whole trans it onto diff acc and usesmitmtill he gets bored a day or two and then sells it cheap
He current is...dawning dragon, shepmalnick,old homie,dunks mage.dunks ranger,icefire,jonesco, galdiator
These are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head
The first washes original main the other accs he has scammed off others
And pretends ro be them
i know how you feel. one whole month of freaking work, afking and farming. down the drain! scammers dont deserve life. they should suffer for their sins.
Not playing celtic heroes anymore
Even though I quit, nobody is getting anything.

Re: We need a transfer or mail system and I've been scammd

Yes shep, he's currently trying to impersonate you he as in rhe shepmalnick or whatever his not quite right name is, but he's not very good at impersonating you. He asked me simething and shamelssly tried to get the rest of my stuff., when I was selling. I tried to joke around with him like I would you and made a joke about where your from, land of the white Russians snd all and he had NO idea what I as talking about I flippe out and said it ain't you that's for sure.

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