Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

overpowdered: rumour she is a all time scammer

Lots of people think shes a scammer. She said her alt is a level 120 of elite so i believed her. but something seems wrong about her information on celtic heroes.
She doesnt know the other world exists.....

I think shes a scammer. she has two alt characters equiped with luxury items. it seems wrong.
my friend, lorddrago claims that she is a scammer and he was scammed by her....
she has a sultan carpet and faerie charms: sparkling ones and a shrink charm

i wonder if shes a scammer.
shes overpowdered
shes in mabon
shes in no clan i think
Not playing celtic heroes anymore
Even though I quit, nobody is getting anything.

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