Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

A bought account In rosmerta messing arounds peoples honesty

Hi all

I am very tired of scammers and also users of bought accounts who use these accounts to mess with players.
Ciderman of Rosmerta is one of them. The account originally belonged to yrck and was sold to camellia/lilfaerie.

The main reason why i am outing him is because this current user of ciderman started an incident which is totally false. And i would like a remedy to the injury done to me. Either he gets a warning or the account be closed for violation of the game's terms of service.

A day ago, lilfaerie(ciderman) overhears me and partyninja367's conversation, comparing venom dagger and blade of magic. Lilfaerie kept asking me about my offhand, whats the damage added etc.

A day later, ciderman whispers me asking for my offhand that he said belongs to him. And i am outraged by the false accusation and fact that several of his clanmate,namely ArcticFox and Nimbin2 pms me and in shout tells me they have a video of me,JacktheRipper,
taking ciderman's venom dagger. I was also threatened by Nimbin2 that he would be ksing me. Good luck with that. And while all this going on, ciderman tells me in private message that he is 'just messing with me.'

I am not friends with any of the above mentioned names for them to mess with me. I dont play with u guys and idc what u do, just leave me out of it. And try to play honestly.

The injury caused to me was this harrassment i was put under, being falsely accused of a scam i have never committed and will never commit. Honesty is important to me. I am very strong against scammers and would in no way gain anything by the use of deceit. I work hard for everything i own. And i have, i would like to believe so,have built a good reputation in terms of trust among the adult player base. I have been thru different clans and each clan i have left, i left an honest name in because i care about integrity. Sure i will cuss when outraged but in no occasion would i take someones property without reparation or payment. Even yrck
himself, i have transferred for him so many times. It is
sad that his account is being used to mess with others. i have been on different servers and i play with a cause and an advocacy,that is honesty in my dealings and doing what i can so power play is lessened if not gotten rid of. I see power play clearly here, ganging up on me all sourced from a player who was 'just messing with me.' The shouts have subsided but the injury and insult isnt gone. Yes, i seek a relief.

Relief sought for:
A sincere apology to me would be nice from Arcticfox, Nimbin2 and Ciderman.

A step from admin would be very much appreciated. Close the sold account. U have a policy for the reason that these traded accounts may not be used to scam or harrass players. I feel that this incident falls under this sanction. Send a warning or look into this matter, according to ur best judgment.

Lastly, i would ask that i be not messed around with. Find entertainment elsewhere because neither of us is going to enjoy it.

Note that even in my rage i have restrained myself from swearing but letme just give a middle finger to all scammers and bought accounts. Shame on u, know that those accounts u bought were someone elses hard work. Dont use them to mess with other people who also work hard and earn what they use. I farm my ass off and i am not happy to be messed around with in this way. If ur a scammer or a liar, u have no business talking to me or being my friend. I will out u.

-ramen of rosmerta

Re: A bought account In rosmerta messing arounds peoples hon

I personally didn't knew they were one the same person. And that artic etc were friends with him since the account got traded? Otherwise he would be in united for sure and not trying to join Epic all the time.
I hate hearing this and hope it either way is dealt with in game or by an admin. Because Ciderman was an account given away/sold I ignored it but kept talking to camellia/lilfaerie not knowing it was the same person.

Thanks anyway for your post and I hope you will still have a great time around in Rosmerta with us!
Follow me & keep in contact :D
The Tavern Discord Server

Re: A bought account In rosmerta messing arounds peoples hon

Hi all

I am very tired of scammers and also users of bought accounts who use these accounts to mess with players.
Ciderman of Rosmerta is one of them. The account originally belonged to yrck and was sold to camellia/lilfaerie.

The main reason why i am outing him is because this current user of ciderman started an incident which is totally false. And i would like a remedy to the injury done to me. Either he gets a warning or the account be closed for violation of the game's terms of service.

A day ago, lilfaerie(ciderman) overhears me and partyninja367's conversation, comparing venom dagger and blade of magic. Lilfaerie kept asking me about my offhand, whats the damage added etc.

A day later, ciderman whispers me asking for my offhand that he said belongs to him. And i am outraged by the false accusation and fact that several of his clanmate,namely ArcticFox and Nimbin2 pms me and in shout tells me they have a video of me,JacktheRipper,
taking ciderman's venom dagger. I was also threatened by Nimbin2 that he would be ksing me. Good luck with that. And while all this going on, ciderman tells me in private message that he is 'just messing with me.'

I am not friends with any of the above mentioned names for them to mess with me. I dont play with u guys and idc what u do, just leave me out of it. And try to play honestly.

The injury caused to me was this harrassment i was put under, being falsely accused of a scam i have never committed and will never commit. Honesty is important to me. I am very strong against scammers and would in no way gain anything by the use of deceit. I work hard for everything i own. And i have, i would like to believe so,have built a good reputation in terms of trust among the adult player base. I have been thru different clans and each clan i have left, i left an honest name in because i care about integrity. Sure i will cuss when outraged but in no occasion would i take someones property without reparation or payment. Even yrck
himself, i have transferred for him so many times. It is
sad that his account is being used to mess with others. i have been on different servers and i play with a cause and an advocacy,that is honesty in my dealings and doing what i can so power play is lessened if not gotten rid of. I see power play clearly here, ganging up on me all sourced from a player who was 'just messing with me.' The shouts have subsided but the injury and insult isnt gone. Yes, i seek a relief.

Relief sought for:
A sincere apology to me would be nice from Arcticfox, Nimbin2 and Ciderman.

A step from admin would be very much appreciated. Close the sold account. U have a policy for the reason that these traded accounts may not be used to scam or harrass players. I feel that this incident falls under this sanction. Send a warning or look into this matter, according to ur best judgment.

Lastly, i would ask that i be not messed around with. Find entertainment elsewhere because neither of us is going to enjoy it.

Note that even in my rage i have restrained myself from swearing but letme just give a middle finger to all scammers and bought accounts. Shame on u, know that those accounts u bought were someone elses hard work. Dont use them to mess with other people who also work hard and earn what they use. I farm my ass off and i am not happy to be messed around with in this way. If ur a scammer or a liar, u have no business talking to me or being my friend. I will out u.

-ramen of rosmerta
see? this guy knows how i feel. if scammers want money, their just gonna be banned soon and lose everything they have. i dont understand why people scam. if they want money, earn it. if you take my stuff and sell it, you have no business or right to live a happy life. scammers burn in hell.
Not playing celtic heroes anymore
Even though I quit, nobody is getting anything.

Re: A bought account In rosmerta messing arounds peoples hon

Hi all

I am very tired of scammers and also users of bought accounts who use these accounts to mess with players.
Ciderman of Rosmerta is one of them. The account originally belonged to yrck and was sold to camellia/lilfaerie.

The main reason why i am outing him is because this current user of ciderman started an incident which is totally false. And i would like a remedy to the injury done to me. Either he gets a warning or the account be closed for violation of the game's terms of service.

A day ago, lilfaerie(ciderman) overhears me and partyninja367's conversation, comparing venom dagger and blade of magic. Lilfaerie kept asking me about my offhand, whats the damage added etc.

A day later, ciderman whispers me asking for my offhand that he said belongs to him. And i am outraged by the false accusation and fact that several of his clanmate,namely ArcticFox and Nimbin2 pms me and in shout tells me they have a video of me,JacktheRipper,
taking ciderman's venom dagger. I was also threatened by Nimbin2 that he would be ksing me. Good luck with that. And while all this going on, ciderman tells me in private message that he is 'just messing with me.'

I am not friends with any of the above mentioned names for them to mess with me. I dont play with u guys and idc what u do, just leave me out of it. And try to play honestly.

The injury caused to me was this harrassment i was put under, being falsely accused of a scam i have never committed and will never commit. Honesty is important to me. I am very strong against scammers and would in no way gain anything by the use of deceit. I work hard for everything i own. And i have, i would like to believe so,have built a good reputation in terms of trust among the adult player base. I have been thru different clans and each clan i have left, i left an honest name in because i care about integrity. Sure i will cuss when outraged but in no occasion would i take someones property without reparation or payment. Even yrck
himself, i have transferred for him so many times. It is
sad that his account is being used to mess with others. i have been on different servers and i play with a cause and an advocacy,that is honesty in my dealings and doing what i can so power play is lessened if not gotten rid of. I see power play clearly here, ganging up on me all sourced from a player who was 'just messing with me.' The shouts have subsided but the injury and insult isnt gone. Yes, i seek a relief.

Relief sought for:
A sincere apology to me would be nice from Arcticfox, Nimbin2 and Ciderman.

A step from admin would be very much appreciated. Close the sold account. U have a policy for the reason that these traded accounts may not be used to scam or harrass players. I feel that this incident falls under this sanction. Send a warning or look into this matter, according to ur best judgment.

Lastly, i would ask that i be not messed around with. Find entertainment elsewhere because neither of us is going to enjoy it.

Note that even in my rage i have restrained myself from swearing but letme just give a middle finger to all scammers and bought accounts. Shame on u, know that those accounts u bought were someone elses hard work. Dont use them to mess with other people who also work hard and earn what they use. I farm my ass off and i am not happy to be messed around with in this way. If ur a scammer or a liar, u have no business talking to me or being my friend. I will out u.

-ramen of rosmerta
see? this guy knows how i feel. if scammers want money, their just gonna be banned soon and lose everything they have. i dont understand why people scam. if they want money, earn it. if you take my stuff and sell it, you have no business or right to live a happy life. scammers burn in hell.
If you get scammed, gain the scammers trust then scam 'em back.
Galactus: Level 100 Rogue
World: Taranis
Clan: Curiosity

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