Celtic Heroes

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Re: Once again I shall ask more questions cause my topics lo


I am sorry that I feel if a test character with 100k in HP is grouping and helping others kill bosses that I feel like I am owed an explanation.
I am sorry but I don't have some idiotic raving of Chinese government but I just feel if the company that owns the game I am playing is helping other characters then I am entitled to a refund.
I am sorry your egos are so super natural that you can't grasp that the games integrity has been damaged, and simple people like some of you read the words from admin " that character has been deleted" and think that's a good enough answer to a problem that has serious questions still unanswered.
I appreciate your apologies.

But seriously... refunds are easy to get, though getting them will end your play here. If it's more important to you to get your refund you can PM me and I can show you the logistics of how. It has nothing to do with One Thumb Mobile...
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

Re: Once again I shall ask more questions cause my topics lo

So asking for a refund will end my play here, how can that be when the thing that makes me think we are entitled to one was put in the game by OTM.
Your brain only filters what it wants to see, I am a serious player and like the game and feel that we deserve a full explanation of what that character did as OTM has full logs of everything that character has done.
So if it was serious enough for me to still want a refund then I'd go to it and get it.
But OTM doesn't even want to explain why because it'd be a mass refund demand.
All you see is me complaining when you don't see that OTM isn't giving any answers.
So I shall say it again....
"that character was a test character and has been removed"
Is not an answer to my questions, I want comfermation that he was helping others as well as the other deals he did in the game.
But I don't know if you understand that, because you only think I'm complaining and want my money back.
I have no problem putting money into this game, but I'd like to know if the company wasn't playing fair, i got 100 on my iTunes account now for this game I'm not some cheap skate trying to get one over on the company I want a honest answer because I put my honest earning on this game.
I don't know how else I can break this down to show you that what was done is wrong plain and simple and if after all this you still can't grasp that then its about time to stop playing CH and give that peanut sized brain of yours a workout it would appreciate.
This is what happens when you challenge the better clan on sever.
Your ass shoots flames, literally your ass will shoot flames.

Re: Once again I shall ask more questions cause my topics lo

I shall ask again, what do we get? And what is going to be done about this? I spent a lot of money on this game to become one of the greats and if other clans have people that work or do test for OTM helping them then I'd really like a refund of all purchases or something to compensate for the free help given to the lower clans
Admin won't comment on this because if he does and says the wrong wrong thing everyone in the game would be entitled to a refund for all plat purchases.
I am sorry that I feel if a test character with 100k in HP is grouping and helping others kill bosses that I feel like I am owed an explanation. I never have received any help, which is why I am saying if this is all true then I'd like to get a refund for my plat purchases. 

Yer right... I have no idea how by reading your comments juxtaposing game integrity vs mass-refunds in almost every single post I woulda somehow misconstrued the idea that maybe you thought the game integrity was suspect & wanted a refund.

I guess my little mind equates constant repetition as a pattern.

If you really just wanted an answer you woulda just asked the question, in a diplomatic, non-Nerdrage, non-out for blood way. Without the threats. And been more patient before pulling the mass-refund apple. Admin has no reason to give you any response, because you have blown yer load threatening a mass refund 3x in this single thread. Like everytime you get upset here, you flame a bit, and flip out when people avoid ya. Yer gonna still be avoided if you don't peel back this rage.

I know yer super smart, so you probably know all of this. But flame away..it's just predictable now.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

Re: Once again I shall ask more questions cause my topics lo

Actually, were given an explanation. We all were. You just disagree with the explanation you were given. Additionally, you are demanding adherence to your own arbitrary standard of 'fairness'. You also seem to be making unfounded attributions about other players and spreading what are essentially rumors in your pursuit of your arbitrary model of fairness. This undermines your argument, such as it is, pretty thoroughly. This is all up to you to do or not of course, but I don't think you can reasonably expect some response other than the one you have gotten. Reposting is not going to help. We have heard you. OTM has heard you. You are not unheard. You are just disagreed with apparently. Making the same argument over and over again, spamming the board is not going to change that.

Re: Once again I shall ask more questions cause my topics lo

There was but like this topic it's all been forgotten.
I know there was shady stuff going on and he def had tons of hp.
He went into arena at level 9 and lived through about 4-5 of my fire bolts and ice shards then died. (when I was a lvl 120+ Mage)
Then I dualed him when he was a lvl 50 something with full frozen took 1/4 of his energy away which was prob about 20k or more.
This is what happens when you challenge the better clan on sever.
Your ass shoots flames, literally your ass will shoot flames.

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