From the Unauthorised Account Access Policy:Because of the nature of this issue, both accounts in question have been disabled.You are not allowed to share your username or password with anyone.
When you create an account, you are responsible for all activities conducted through the account.
You are responsible for maintaining the security of your own account. This includes ensuring your username and password remain confidential. You are responsible for all uses of your username and password, whether or not it has been authorised by you. Do not write your password down.
One Thumb Mobile does not recognise the transfer of Celtic Heroes accounts between individuals. This includes accounts which have been transferred for in-game items or Gold, or “real-world” currency.
This decision can be appealed using the Appeals Procedure: ... 71&t=14400
Total bs I'm done! If a player wants to share an account, then why shouldn't they be able too!? If they lose the acc it's there fault and they should just live with it, but banning them because they said they shared accounts with another person!?!? Where's the proof!? What if they were kidding and it got banned anyways? All I'm seeing is players accounts being disabled because this (Admin) thinks they know what's best for us! I agree it's ridiculous, what if someone just came and said that a random
person account was being shared. That account would be disable and the actual player who never shared anything would have a 50% chance of getting there account back. Think on it.