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Re: Sigils - - - > Platinum

If you read through the posts carefully, you can see that this is a probably a simple miscommunication.

The problem is with the OP's wording. He is asking for the sigil purchase to be refunded to plat... but he said he put them on the wrong account. I suspect he means that he put them on the wrong character.

From OTM's reading of the OP, their answer makes sense. They are saying that they can't refund the purchase to rl cash... But I think if Vile could confirm the situation, OTM will most likely be able to help.

My take is that he has an account with multiple characters... he owns plat on that account, and bought sigils with the wrong character on that account. He now wants the sigils removed from character A and his plat put back in the account, so he can buy the sigils on character B.
Dersu of Herne
lvl 135+ Druid (Double Helix Build)
Clan Infection... of the Britannians family of clans.

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