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Re: admins here is some pics from just today

[quote="Swinefloo"]The original posters name in this pic is rocksalt. If he cared so much about language and 7 year olds seeing it, why would he shout profanity? Failed parenting

not me swinefloo sry

even if it was me you failed at photoshop!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: admins here is some pics from just today

Re: admins here is some pics from just today

Postby Swinefloo » Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:03 am
The original posters name in this pic is rocksalt. If he cared so much about language and 7 year olds seeing it, why would he shout profanity? Failed parenting



Posts: 55
Joined: Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:54 pm

first off RockSalt is not my toon but nice try.....

i luv have all the bottom feeder(infection) cam to post on a topic and still try to flame/deface my name but nice try...
why dont you kids just grow up.....
Judging by this post, it looks like your letting the so claimed 7 year old on your phone again
Last edited by CHplayer on Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: admins here is some pics from just today

Re: admins here is some pics from just today

Postby Swinefloo » Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:03 am
The original posters name in this pic is rocksalt. If he cared so much about language and 7 year olds seeing it, why would he shout profanity? Failed parenting



Posts: 55
Joined: Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:54 pm

first off RockSalt is not my toon but nice try.....

i luv have all the bottom feeder(infection) cam to post on a topic and still try to flame/deface my name but nice try...
why dont you kids just grow up.....
Lol piss puddle you could be a comedian! Its funny how u bullied people in herne when your clan was top dog now that we are better u cry like a little girl when what u did to others is served back to u on a silver platter. As numerous people have said theres a block button maybe you should learn how to use it. Unless you just had your child when i stopped talking to you then your child excuse is BS oh wait ch is only a year old...... failed excuse?

Re: admins here is some pics from just today

Lol this is just plain funny :) And lol Puddun you ain't Rocksalt my foot, you told me yourself, theres a profanity filter for a reason so people can say this without scarring little kids. And thats who Llayaz is thought she was maybe WoVen since Wovens mage was named that. And btw ChPlayer you insult someone but lol are too chicken to show your name rotfl.

Funny btw keep it up :)
Dasawwe: Lvl 126 Warrior Herne
Cumhachdach: Lvl 121 Ranger Herne

Re: admins here is some pics from just today

Puddun, grow up. Its your fault so stop trying to palm off the blame. Why would you let a 7 year old play on your accs when your hated that bad. And its also your fault for not putting on the profanity filter when a 7 YEAR OLD IS PLAYING. Im sorry but thats not good parenting. Dont have a dig at these 2 because your just as bad, I've seen it. Stop having a cry and man up for *** sakes
Freyaa (164) rogue
Sunshinee (155) druid

MissDartignan (182+) ranger
Freyaa (176+) rogue

Re: admins here is some pics from just today

Lol this is just plain funny :) And lol Puddun you ain't Rocksalt my foot, you told me yourself, theres a profanity filter for a reason so people can say this without scarring little kids. And thats who Llayaz is thought she was maybe WoVen since Wovens mage was named that. And btw ChPlayer you insult someone but lol are too chicken to show your name rotfl.

Funny btw keep it up :)
If you payed attention u could easily guess who chplayer is....

Re: admins here is some pics from just today

Please do not post images which contain inappropriate or abusive language.

Regarding the issue raised in this topic, such players should be reported to the Support Team using the in-game tool. The team can then investigate the situation and take any action as necessary. Players should also refer to the Harassment and Abusive Language Issues topics for information on how to deal with such players: http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... 69&t=11539

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