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Re: Radiant Earthstone Breastplate

If you sell it , sell it for no less than a camo charm .

Lol idk how much are camo charms in taranis don't really pay attention to prices. And a person has offered me 350 super knowledge elixirs for it... Pretty good deal in the world of taranis if u ask me. And aren't u that one person who visited taranis and was looking for a rogue name PINDAR? Lol if that was u I remember u asking me for him.

That definitely was not me lol . Listen I'm just giving you my opinion , rad bp is very rare item that at this point has no equal , I would never sell mine .
Clan Avalon


Re: Radiant Earthstone Breastplate

rad earthstone bp is not really op in all aspect cuz of low armor and no elem resist, it is op on dmging tho cuz of its attack and heat dmg combination. i would say that it will be the most priced bp for a long time so if i were u, do not sell it unless u have extra ;)

Re: Radiant Earthstone Breastplate

Honestly, it depends how much you personally value it. Chances are, when Dragonscale comes out next update, it will be better than Radiant gear (for dmg classes, atleast). For a DPS warrior, I think it will be the best damage gear you can find even after the update, so I'd keep it and run the risk of it being greatly reduced in price.

I personally would never even have the thought of selling my Rad BP in my mind, that is how much I value it. I've been offered 8mIl for my radiant set and still turned it down (crazy I know).
RAPIDx - 225 Rogue
Rhiannon GameChanger

Some Guy - 220 Rogue
Epona Prodigy

Re: Radiant Earthstone Breastplate

I'm hanging onto my earthstone, even after the update. I know I would get a boat load of cash if I sold everything before the update, and after it will definitely go down in price. I'm keeping mine because it makes leveling alts easier. I've been working on my alts lately, and it helps a lot having this gear availlable to me. You can also focus on leveling without having to stop and worry about picking up frags/meteor upgrades/crests/orbs. So while radiant earthstone might not be all that great on levels 150 to 180, it will still be valuable for levels 100 to 150.

If you are going to sell it though, do it before the update because the price will go down. If you're looking to buy, do it after the update because... the price will go down :D
rad earthstone bp is not really op in all aspect cuz of low armor and no elem resist, it is op on dmging tho cuz of its attack and heat dmg combination. i would say that it will be the most priced bp for a long time so if i were u, do not sell it unless u have extra ;)
A lot of people say rad ES is not overpowered because of the low armor, but don't take into account the evasion stats on it. Who cares about armor when you're dodging almost every attack?
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Re: Radiant Earthstone Breastplate

I don't think rad is OP. I think it seems OP because their is a lack of armour to compete with it.

I think it's like Full Frozen on a Warrior. Is that OP?
No. It just allows a warrior to do the job they're intended for.

That said.. Rad is not class restricted... Maybe it is a little OP :lol:
RAPIDx - 225 Rogue
Rhiannon GameChanger

Some Guy - 220 Rogue
Epona Prodigy

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