Celtic Heroes

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Re: Golden Trident or Golden Venom?

JUst wondering, which one is better for a rogue/warrior? I am aware that the dagger does melee dmg (20) (along with posion dmg (30) ), has a 15 regen, but the trident does 100 cold/fire/magic dmg, has stat boost and a regen, which does more dmg and would be more effective?

Go with Venom.

Dmg wise, unlike the Poison and the Elem (Fire/Ice/Magic) from Trident, the 20 PhysDmg of Venom is multiplied by a factor that includes your STR and your Weapon Ability (Sword, Dagger).

Let's say you have 200 Str, and (@ L81) 810 max ability in dagger (or sword), and let's say your Weap dmg is 60
Using the Formula
Venom=((3/19*SQRT(200)+6%*SQRT(810)+1)*(60+20))+30 = 425 (it's rounded)
Trident =((3/19*SQRT(245)+6%*SQRT(810)+1)*(60))+100 = 410 (rounded too)

And the higher you get (higher ability) and higher Str, the difference will be greater.

Basically, DPS wise, it's Trident - Venom - Golden Blade
=((3/19*SQRT(200)+6%*SQRT(810)+1)*(60))+200 = 496
World: Rhiannon

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