Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Reporting a player

This is similar on my server but mainly clan vs clan and i enjoy it i play about average and have no problem completing the quest however i do feel for those ppl who are lvl 100 and under and get killed by a 180 is not fair. There should be something to even it out. And I feel the same way about 180s soloing the lower dragons. That loot is meant for low levels and to be killed by them.

Re: Reporting a player

If you feel like it is turning into harassment, then report the user using the in-game support tool. No screenshots are required.
Harassment in the arena? You can't be serious..
Well, let's say I walk into the arena to kill Crammok, I don't have a choice whether I want to walk into the arena or not. I want to complete the quest. If I am being constantly killed even after a truce, despite many other people in the arena to kill, then I cannot complete the quest. The user is singling me out over everyone else and disrupting my gameplay. So yes, this situation would be classed by me as harassment.

In a real-life situation, I am told that every time I go to the office kitchen to make a coffee, I will be kicked in the shins. I want to make a coffee but I am kicked in the shins. This is harassment, and it is not a joke.

Some people want to have fun in the arena with playful fighting, not being hacked down every time you set foot in the arena with some sort of negative intention.
That is what she is doing. She is also sending nasty messages.
★ℚʊɛɛɳ øƒ Ғɑṩɧɪøɳ
iOS Player since 2011
Name: Killerado
World: Morrigan
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Rainbow Color
ケルトの戦士 (Keruto no senshi, Celtic Warriors)
Esquilax is the best!

Re: Reporting a player

That come back later thing doesnt work. Ill leave and return, sure there not there, but they must have a tracker on my char cause ill be 3/4 through cramm and then some jerk comes up and kills me, and my mob.
Some people are buttholes.
LVL 49 warrior


So I'm a noob after all...
Slow lvling.

Re: Reporting a player

If you feel like it is turning into harassment, then report the user using the in-game support tool. No screenshots are required.
Harassment in the arena? You can't be serious..
Well, let's say I walk into the arena to kill Crammok, I don't have a choice whether I want to walk into the arena or not. I want to complete the quest. If I am being constantly killed even after a truce, despite many other people in the arena to kill, then I cannot complete the quest. The user is singling me out over everyone else and disrupting my gameplay. So yes, this situation would be classed by me as harassment.

In a real-life situation, I am told that every time I go to the office kitchen to make a coffee, I will be kicked in the shins. I want to make a coffee but I am kicked in the shins. This is harassment, and it is not a joke.

Some people want to have fun in the arena with playful fighting, not being hacked down every time you set foot in the arena with some sort of negative intention.

Yes, we should just do away with the arena altogether, so as not to hurt anyone's fragile feelings.
OTM should address this issue immediately!! Ignore the constant ingame scamming and Voldemort, go back to making sure no names are given. Lets make sure everyone can do their quests in peace, but no shaming on forums
Ranger 207
Clan Infection
World: Herne

Re: Reporting a player

Under lvl 130, the gladiator quest is not really very useful.

I certainly feel for you, if someone is picking on you for no reason, and if there have been abusive conversations, use the in game tool (as mentioned) to report the player. OTM can look through your chats to find the info, where screenies can be selective as to what is sent, so I am sure they look at it all.

If the problem is someone killing you in the arena, though... The arena is a pvp area. The gladiator quest to be tough because of that, (we, the players, are the mob adds), and I have had a tough time killing my gladiator some days because of rival clan issues, some people who dont like me (I know! Who doesnt like me?!), or just someone who feel like being a pest in the arena.

Thats just the way it is. If OTM wanted them to be easier, they would be standing next to a spawnpoint with no additional adds around them. Its just xp... If you cant do this quest, tackle a few mobs and you will get the same xp (and gold).
Shaden - DPS 180+

World : Herne

Clan : Britannians

Re: Reporting a player

Killing someone in arena is not harrassment. If there is a quest in a pvp area then it should be classified as a pvp quest. I can garantee if I step one foot in arena I am considered kos but, I am not about to say that is harrassment. When they start crossing the line and shaming players in game and on the forums and threatening players it becomes harrassment. Otm has proven they do not care when it comes down to these issues on rosemerta and on forums in general. Realistically you can do what you want and "maybe" get a slap on the wrist for harrassment. They do not care about your rights just who buys more plat. Sad, but as I see it, true. So if you do not like being harrassed in game and on forums, instead of wasting your time with report options etc. Just find a new game, spend your money where you get more respect as a person instead of a number.

Re: Reporting a player

Killing someone in arena is not harrassment. If there is a quest in a pvp area then it should be classified as a pvp quest. I can garantee if I step one foot in arena I am considered kos but, I am not about to say that is harrassment. When they start crossing the line and shaming players in game and on the forums and threatening players it becomes harrassment. Otm has proven they do not care when it comes down to these issues on rosemerta and on forums in general. Realistically you can do what you want and "maybe" get a slap on the wrist for harrassment. They do not care about your rights just who buys more plat. Sad, but as I see it, true. So if you do not like being harrassed in game and on forums, instead of wasting your time with report options etc. Just find a new game, spend your money where you get more respect as a person instead of a number.

i would disagree:
for some reason, a person can scam other players out of hard earned, gold, items, and what comes down to real world money. I agree that OTM doesnt give a crap about these things.
but HEAVEN FORBID you name anyone on the forums! that's where they draw the line. harass, name call, scam all you want, but if you DARE name another player on the forums, well that is just too far!
Ranger 207
Clan Infection
World: Herne

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