Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: I give it all for the people...

That scammer is gonna make 50+ accs so he can get free stuff from u without scamming. If u wanna help scammers get a better char so he can Scam easier u should do this. If not save ur gold buy urself some lux and level up so u can ks/kill the scammers rather than give them free crap.
Someones got to do it...

Re: I give it all for the people...

Meh you can easily be scammed/ripped off if you add an extra zero to your gold offer. Had to pay for my sister's mistake the other day, 80k rather than 8k . . .

It'd be nice if there was a 'K' button to add 3 0's to the end of your amount.[/quote]

That's not being scammed or ripped off. That is a mistake u made. U can't blame another person for a mistake u make.

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