The Gladiator quests were designed to be a PvP quest - in order to complete them you not only have to defeat the Gladiators, but you also have to contend with other players in the Arena.
The Arena is also an open PvP zone. When you enter the Arena you are allowing yourself to be attacked by other players.
If a player is verbally abusing you, as outlined in this forum topic - ... 69&t=11539, then the player should be reported to the Support Team using the in-game support tool.
If Supporting a player just would help, there was no need for all those complaining in forum. Me and my clan reported player so much, (months ago)! You are saying that, if a player repeats violating the policies, he will get a perma-ban. We just can't understand, why people can repeat behaving like dumbasses again and again, verbally abusing and harassing everyone, without consequences!
I have seen many people in this game asking me for webcam sex, offering me gold, having seen so much racist expressions, even the names, people ingame can choose (like DeathtoNig*** (black people), Sexgirl, and such names.) Reporting all of this, ends in nothing. The support button is just a "Stfu-Button", so that the reporting player calms down. But this wont work for me and my friends. The arena is a place for extremly bad behaviour and harassment. So you are closing the threads? It changes nothing, cause the problems are still there! U cant just close threads saying everything is fine. No problem. Next Step is a detailed letter, with screenshots from ingame-chat and forum to One Thumb Mobile Ltd., to Apple Customer Care Service and to local press. This is important: Simply because there are also children playing this game, being harassed and terribly abused, and OTM letting these things happen, this is a needed next step to do.
I am done here. Thx and sorry for communicating, that player really are experiencing extremly bad behaviour.