I'm not sure what lvls you have on your server but we were able to kill the 150 6* with 10 fairly easily. It took awhile - about 20 min.As I said we killing Comrak 6* with at least 2 players in group and Spider 150 6* with at least 3 players in group. And now the Monolith 150 6* can't be killed even if we have 15 players which is 1 full group and a second group.They arent op, the drops are better than hrung and mord drops, so its logic that its harder to kill
Like I said we in ANDROID still new and should not be compared with IOS server strenght. There are No hrung or Mordis Kill in Android Platform and will take months or even years if the core players will keep on quitting cuz of this BS adjustments. I don't know why the developers can't take it for reconsideration. OTM made the game to cross the Android but with this adjustments it's biased.
Our first attempt was terrible and it took us 55 minutes. But we learned and strategies better each time we've killed it