Best place to farm the pages for sweeping blow?
Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 8:50 pm
by Skaface
Hey guys, where am I supposed to be farming these pages? I’ve been farming the mobs outside the entrance to other world but the drop rate must just be a pain? haven’t gotten a single page. I just want to make sure i’m at the right/best spot. Thanks!
Re: Best place to farm the pages for sweeping blow?
Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 6:59 am
by SamySamSamBoss2000
Personally I really don't know which mobs drop what but it would be way easier to trade someone for them. Likely you could get them for free from a clannie or nice higher lvl player. Also is that the blue book quest or red? Because I'm pretty sure red is in SV (just in case).