Exploiting such glitches and bugs is against the Terms of Service, and if you are found to be exploiting a glitch or bug your account may be banned.
Please report any glitches or bugs using the in-game Support Tool, or in the Bug Report forums.
To report a bug or glitch using the Support Tool:
- Log-in with your character.
From the Menu page (the top icon on the left-hand side of the screen), select the option which says Support.
Fill out the required details, including as much information as you can about the glitch or bug, and select Send. This will send your message to the Support team, who will pass on your glitch or bug to the development team.
We understand that you may be frustrated with your situation, but we deal with a large number of support requests every day and so it may take us several days for us to process your request. In the case of glitches and bug reports it may be that we do not respond directly to you about your issue. However, please be assured that we do deal with every single issue that is submitted via the in-game support tool, and will pass on any glitches and bugs to the development team.