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question for admins

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:02 am
by UpsychoU
can i change servers and how?...

Re: question for admins

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:09 am
by Skenkee

We have recently added an Ask for help topic: ... m.php?f=69

Here you can ask questions and admins can answer these or other people. I would also suggest renaming your topic to a better name such as: "can you change worlds?" or "possible to change worlds". ... 44&start=0
Please do not title your posts ‘Admin read!!’, ‘Admin help!!’, ‘Admin this has happened please help!!’, etc. This will not solve your issue any quicker, and chances are your question can be answered by reading the announcements and stickied topics.
I will lock this topic and move it to the right section for you.
