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How do i get knuckle blades or spiked kuckles

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:57 pm
by riseogauge
How do i get spiked knuckles or knuckle blades? I am a warrior and is very curious what these are and i dont have a lot of money but i will be wling to save up for .... I in world Epona / Luster help me if u see me i need help finding them

Re: How do i get knuckle blades or spiked kuckles

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:14 pm
by howardisawesome
buy them from the otherworld quarts vendor. there is also a diamond vendor but quarts should be first for u. the prices are below. i think they are for rogues. maybe warriors too, but quarts are cheaper than diamond, and diamond prices are huge so start with quarts. u needa start going to boss fights. usually, druids are accepted more . if you making a druid, i could introduce you to the basics, but regenliefs guide is better.

quarts weapon: 35k
quarts chest: 50k
quarts leggings: 40k
quarts gloves: 11k
quarts boots: 17k
quarts cirlcet: 23k

Re: How do i get knuckle blades or spiked kuckles

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:58 pm
by pigman
they are only available for rangers and rogues, warriors cannot use them

Re: How do i get knuckle blades or spiked kuckles

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:13 pm
by riseogauge
O umm i ply in the world epona and how would i get money to earn all that money?

Re: How do i get knuckle blades or spiked kuckles

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:38 am
by howardisawesome
I'm a Druid so druids earn money fast. So for me that's not a big price.
Boss fights. Druids heal and are accepted easily. Warriors u hav to be high leveld or in a
Good clan. I'm afraid warriors hav to lvl up to 80 or something to be able to go to boss fights.