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People threatening me!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:16 pm
by TheHelper684
Hey admin if ur reading this plz help me!! I have people on my world claiming I'm a scammer!! I dnt know how I'm a scammer I have done nothing to do so and also their are noobs saying I'm a scammer and threatening me saying ," if I don't give them my account info then they will send support tickets claiming I took stolen property I have lots pictures to prove threats being said to me. And around 1 week after the incident I was roaming in lirs reach looking for some blackhat enemies when I came up to a guy posing as me his name was ztB and he was saying he will hack everyone's account. Plz help me

Re: People threatening me!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:49 pm
by Skenkee
Try to block these people. When they sen support tickets about you the support team will take a look at your history and as long as your clean nothing will happen. Never give your account info away not even the support team needs to know your login or pass.

Re: People threatening me!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:08 am
by howardisawesome
as long as you didnt do anything bad your safe. if you never scammed or did something bad in the game, your completely fine.
the team will check what you did in the past.