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baraa and a scammed account issue

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:54 pm
by howardisawesome
ok, baraa from mabon is scammed and lost his druids account. he claims that paddyw has scammed him but i found out
that the reall alt of paddy is someone else, but then i dont know what to do next.
can you check baraas history and deactivate baraa1, his druids account? and the person who scammed him is currently called paddyw.
i have a pic of baraa1, now in pocession of another person say hes paddyw. but i dont know how to post it.

Re: baraa and a scammed account issue

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 6:34 pm
by PaddyW
Not me btw :P

Re: baraa and a scammed account issue

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 4:38 am
by howardisawesome
not him. the paddyw is now in use in another player. and then that other player stole baraas account.
he lost 25k, a energy regen and a character he spent a month on! im a bit confused here.
ok who is using paddyws account now?