Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Server maintenance

Hi I am here to complain about the server maintenance this morning servers were shut down with no prior notice and several of my groups members are now out about 8 bane scrolls and several resurrection idols/ potions basically are hard earned time and money because now not only do we have to restart killing the lavalord we must use even more of our idols and potions to kill it again without bane scrolls. This type of action is unprofessional and down right annoying. So next time you are bringing the servers down be professional and give a minimal 10 minute notice..... And another thing I have received my refund for all my lux items from scavenger shop but I did not get my golden warmagic helmet refunded either and it has also dropped in price please do something to correct it I have sent support several messages about it over a span of time. Thanks

Re: Server maintenance

Thanks for the apology however the damage is still done and I notice you say there wasn't much more you could do so your saying there was more you could have done and your team or whoever controls these things neglected to do so don''t try and give me the run around I am not some idiot kid. An apology would have been sufficient I did not ask for an excuse. I spend thousands on this game and I expect more of a gaming experience out of my time and money.

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