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Once again I shall ask more questions cause my topics locked

Admin thanks for the response on the last post but I also wanted to ask about the new "tester" on Danu named prtuee lvl 95 is this really another tester? And if so why do we have them?

Also I can't add on to my original post do to it being locked but what are you going to do about the items these testers gve out to people as well as the drops obtained by the "testers" helping them. As I stated before all battles done by a "test" character should be taken as a "test" and no drops should be handed out. But sadly there are two low levels with frozen legs because of this grouping?

I shall ask again, what do we get? And what is going to be done about this? I spent a lot of money on this game to become one of the greats and if other clans have people that work or do test for OTM helping them then I'd really like a refund of all purchases or something to compensate for the free help given to the lower clans
No one on Danu asked for a test character so why is it here?
This is what happens when you challenge the better clan on sever.
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Re: Once again I shall ask more questions cause my topics lo

Hi- I am not on your server and don't have any vested interest in this one or the other...

In the other threads admin has said that these activities from OTM are all stopped, due to the competitive nature in which some people relate to who has gear and the potential for upset. I imagine you read that. That is what you are talking about isn't it? Or is it something else?

Now, if I understand, you are also asking for the items that came out of that moment of OTM in game to be removed from the game. Is that right?

This is based on your sense of what is right and wrong. Your own personal morality. It is not universal. Apparently it was not the morality that OTM was practicing and you have a right to speak about that. They also have a right to act according to their own sense of things. It may disagree with your sense of what is right. I think it is remarkable that they listened sufficiently to suspend all these activities.

If people are selling things for real currency or through third parties, that is a separate event and imagine that if you submitted an in game report it would be looked into... Chat logs, investigations and such. Right now it is just rumor and accusation really.

I have a questions. If you had received or been offered frozen components from this activity would you have turned them down? Based on your own exoressed morality, that is what you would have had to do. Would you have do you think?

It seems unlikely that OTM will take this gear away from the players who have it, even if you find them having it personally offensive. Your advocating for this is not producing and not likely to produce the result you want. What, then, is your plan?

You have a complaint. OTM feels it has addressed the complaint. That is why they locked your thread. Have you thanked them for addressing the complaint so rapidly, when they did not have to at all? They could have said, 'we find that having OTM do these sorts of things adds to the game. We are sorry it upsets you...', but they did not. They listened to your initial complaint and actually acted on it, maybe not according to your preferences, but according to what they felt was best. So it is not at all accurate that you are not getting a response. You got a massive and almost immediate response, just not the one you wanted.

I also have advice.., worth every penny you will pay for it. If you are doing something and it is not getting the response you want, do sometng else, rather than just doing more of the same thing that is not getting the response.

Re: Once again I shall ask more questions cause my topics lo

Sorry buddy but I'm a fair player and a "tester" for OTM selling camo charms and helping clans is not fair. He's not selling them for gold he is selling them for real money.
They took items away in update only to have a "tester" sell the removed items.
Admin won't comment on this because if he does and says the wrong wrong thing everyone in the game would be entitled to a refund for all plat purchases.
This is what happens when you challenge the better clan on sever.
Your ass shoots flames, literally your ass will shoot flames.

Re: Once again I shall ask more questions cause my topics lo

Oh and btw my other post asked what would be done to make it fair to all the rest that didn't get anything as well as why try we're helping clans, address of he really was selling items to people ect....
But all I got from admin was a "that character has been removed"
That's not an answer at all.
So stop jocking OTM, because they could be up to no good skimming real money using "test" characters.
This is what happens when you challenge the better clan on sever.
Your ass shoots flames, literally your ass will shoot flames.

Re: Once again I shall ask more questions cause my topics lo

I am on Danu, there is no proof that Potuie was selling things like Frozen Gear and Camo Charms for real life money. I personally believe this is all rumors that some have came to feel as true. However, to my knowledge there hasn't been an influx of new camo charms and I don't feel this is something Potuie would have done.

This subject really just needs to be dropped, there were no ill intentions will Potuie being on Danu and I am one of the Danu-ians who regret his absence. The only thing I ever wished would have happened when he was here is for OTM to have told us what was going on because we were left in the dark and originally had no idea if he was a tester, a OTM employee, or a hacker. It would have been nice to know this information and it would have changed a lot of people's opinions I believe.

We never found out until after he was removed that he was a OTM employee, we were always told he is just a beta tester after we initially thought he was a hacker.
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Re: Once again I shall ask more questions cause my topics lo

Oh and btw my other post asked what would be done to make it fair to all the rest that didn't get anything as well as why try we're helping clans, address of he really was selling items to people ect....
But all I got from admin was a "that character has been removed"
That's not an answer at all.
So stop jocking OTM, because they could be up to no good skimming real money using "test" characters.
It's funny anytime anyone is at all moderate in their opinions in support of OTM you call them out for "jocking" OTM. You called me out in Off-Topic for the same thing..like anyone that has good-will or faith toward the company and their motives are kiss-ass entities not players who simply don't share the vitriol of almost every single one of your posts.

There was obviously an extreme phuck-up. They pulled the plug and it's over. You don't get reparations, nor are you owed them..that's all in yer head. Your personal feelings, are just that...feelings...you want to press charges against OTM, but.. The law, judge, jury and executioner are all the company you want to put on trial....it simply isn't gonna happen buddy. That's not me jocking, thats me talking rationally about this topic. You don't go to China for a courtroom to sue someone for human rights violations. Wrong place, wrong time. No matter what you 'feel' is right.

If dropping this is insurmountable for you and you can't stand for the hypocrisy, non-transparency, and long list of other crimes you harp on ...so be it..move on. They aren't gonna listen they will continue to lock yer posts, and eventually they most likely will ban you from forums. Is it fair? I honesty have no idea what's real and what's your emo-NerdRage, you could be 100% dead on. But it's freaking life. unfathomable happens. So get over it, or don't and stop banging yer head against a spiked wall.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

Re: Once again I shall ask more questions cause my topics lo

I am sorry that I feel if a test character with 100k in HP is grouping and helping others kill bosses that I feel like I am owed an explanation.
I never have received any help, which is why I am saying if this is all true then I'd like to get a refund for my plat purchases.
I am sorry but I don't have some idiotic raving of Chinese government but I just feel if the company that owns the game I am playing is helping other characters then I am entitled to a refund.
I don't understand why this is so hard to understand, but even if it was one person working for OTM and not the company as a whole the problem should not only be addressed but explained in full detail all of what he was doing and lastly if and compensation will be handed out do to a character that basically has unlimited wealth in the game.
And I'll say it again Admin isn't commenting on my post because if he were to say the wrong thing and "mess up" he could in reality owe a refund to everyone that was on the server Danu.
Now I know you are asking why do I think that!? Why!? It's simple the second Potuie grouped and helped others the game became unfair.
I am sorry your egos are so super natural that you can't grasp that the games integrity has been damaged, and simple people like some of you read the words from admin " that character has been deleted" and think that's a good enough answer to a problem that has serious questions still unanswered.
Which is why once agian I'll say admin does want to comment on it any further because they couldn't refund everyone that plays in Danu it'd be too big of a loss, but that's the price you have to pay when you're a company that has costumers and if you do something wrong that breaks the games fairness you just might have to pay for it.
Last edited by HoenheimOfLight on Mon Aug 13, 2012 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
This is what happens when you challenge the better clan on sever.
Your ass shoots flames, literally your ass will shoot flames.

Re: Once again I shall ask more questions cause my topics lo

Oh and btw if it helps you understand why I am asking these questions, I'm a level 145 Mage and I have all other 4 classes @ lvl 60 or higher, I play the game constantly and would like to keep it fair plain and simple I've never scammed, ks'ed anyone (on purpose) or have even been ks'ed. I'm as fair as it gets which is why all I ask for is a fair explanation.
This is what happens when you challenge the better clan on sever.
Your ass shoots flames, literally your ass will shoot flames.

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