Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Admin please READ THIS

how are you sure you were hacked? one thumb mobile made it clear nobody can hack them. maybe you gave out your password and username.
please dont name the title" please read this" it will only make it slower for them to solve this.
Not playing celtic heroes anymore
Even though I quit, nobody is getting anything.

Re: please read this

i saw the guy sonic today in the castle and he is acting increasingly weird. he doesnt talk or do anything. he just shouts he selling his armour. i was gonna buy some, but hes acting weird and i saw thhis.dude make the title easier to read. not please read this, as it will make it SLOWER for them to solver
Not playing celtic heroes anymore
Even though I quit, nobody is getting anything.

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