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The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

No response to in-game ticket

I have been (beyond) exceedingly patient with the patch regarding the refunds with the newest vendor in OW. After that patch, there were many, many posts about how long the responses were taking.

I have been in software development for more years than I care to reveal here, so refrained from inundating your support people with extraneous requests. I saw the posts regarding the length of time to respond and I get how ticketing systems work.


I sent an in-game support ticket regarding a refund from the lux guy in OW two days after the patch which changed the price of said lux items and have received no response. It has been more than one month.

Here is where I muddy the waters a bit: These items have since been traded to my "alts". They aren't alts to me because I play on four devices on separate accounts. These are all mains to me. Regardless, I would have expected that the transaction at the time by my mage and the subsequent support ticket would have resulted in a timely response from OTM, but alas, no. Was there not a log on my mage account that OTM support could review?

Not only have I not received a refund, I have had no response to my support ticket.

Completely unacceptable. This has been a month and a half. I referred to the forums on this and because OTM mentioned that people shouldn't create multiple tickets, I decided to wait it out. In forums, it was stated that it could take a while, but it's a bad idea to create multiple requests. Since I understand this workflow, I held off creating another ticket, but the time from at this point is simply beyond the pale.

The purchaser is UncleDaddy on Epona. Please make this a priority.


Re: No response to in-game ticket

Hi there,

I've had a look into your issue.

Sometimes the Support team does not respond directly to a Support request, however they do deal with all issues that arise.

At the time of the Scavenger refunds, the team were dealing with an extraordinary amount of requests and so couldn't respond directly to everyone. However, your issue was resolved within a day of the ticket being submitted, and your character received a refund of 100,000 Gold. Unfortunately the team were unable to send you a message, however the Gold was definitely refunded.

Hope this helps!
Terms of Service, Policies and Procedures: http://celtic-heroes.com/support/

Re: No response to in-game ticket

Thank you for the quick reply. I have kept money off that mage in order to be able to easily see when I got the refund, but if it happened that quickly, it is possible I missed it.

Sorry for the negative tone before, but I have had abysmal luck with the new in-game support system. Perhaps this is a great opportunity to give some constructive feedback on the new ticketing system. Why don't I tell you ALL about it? OKAY! :D

So.. I have submitted a total of three tickets. The first one was in regard to the diamond mage weapon not indicating the +200 cold and fire magic buff (shortly after the big update). I received a response in a reasonable amount of time. They told me that it sounded like I had an older version of the client and that I should re-install the app. Now. Putting aside for one moment that it would be impossible to log in to the server with the old client, and never mind that this is a new item from the vendor at the second laystone in OW, how on earth could I have submitted an in-game ticket when the old client didn't even have that feature? Seriously. NOT HELPFUL. (raar) I later made a post in forums and you explained the issue. (thank you)

My second ticket was submitted the same day as the first. I had purchased sigils for my mage, but the client went all crazy with each purchase and on the third time of buying a 10-pack of them, the client crashed. I submitted a ticket about it because I couldn't tell if all three (or any) had been applied and asked for the sigil increase or a plat refund.

To give you a bit of background, I play on four devices and four accounts. Occasionally at the same time. Soo… on that fateful day, I logged in on two devices and received popup messages something along the lines of "don't share your account details…blah blah" and clicked okay. When I logged my mage, the popup appeared, but it turns out they were responding to my tickets. I clicked okay not realizing this. (I have since noticed this shows up in the chat log and I could have scrolled back). I failed to see the message about my plat.

So I submitted a new request asking to resend the previous response. In my naivete, I assumed they would send the most recent, but they sent me the message about reinstalling the client. You know, the NOT HELPFUL one. I am uncertain if I purchased sigils in the past, so am still not sure this was ever resolved. (raar)

Cut to the refund ticket request. After (genuinely) believing I hadn't had a response in over a week, I checked the forums and others were reporting the same. Admin said all will be addressed and to not submit more than one ticket, so I waited it out. And here we are today!

A suggestion for the next rev of your support system would be this: send a copy of the response to the e-mail address on file. In order to create a ticket to begin with, we were all prompted to associate an e-mail address with our accounts. Sending an e-mail response in addition to the in-game response would give people an opportunity to review it later. As chieftain, it is common for me to get many messages when I log. There is also a possibility that someone logs and happens upon a boss fight and the ability to scroll back and re-read would be lost quickly. I'm sure our english-as-a-second-language folks would also appreciate the ability to re-read. What they may have thought they understood initially, could be different when given the opportunity to review.

My second suggestion would be to create a protocol at OTM to always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS send a text response when addressing a ticket. Less confusion that way.

I hope you haven't passed away in the time it took to read all this drivel. :lol:

Many, thanks.


Re: No response to in-game ticket

No response to my ticket how many days i should wait? Probably you can have more admins or give rewards to players for waiting
Dont necropost
184 Rogue

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