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a ignorant pesky noob on mabon says im a sold account

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:50 am
by howardisawesome
theres a guy on mabon who is spreading the rumour beatinator bought my account. first of all, you can check my history and you wont see anything related to me selling my account. baraa1 told me this. he said a lvl 60 -70 noob says im a sold account to beatinator. now my friends believe this and i can't tolerate this lunatic. hes a same leveled guy as me but i have better friends and stuff so hes so jealous. i forgot who he is but i hope he is suspeneded or recieve a warning to this. most of my friends are in elite regulatos and masmar and i dont want to look like a sold account noob to them. i hope this guy is revelaed soon and it will be best if he is banned or suspended.
please reply soon

my info:
lvl 71
thanks! i will send a support ticket today. this happened on 9-6-2012 when chatting to baraa1.

Re: a ignorant pesky noob on mabon says im a sold account

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:48 am
by Beatinator
Hi Centorix,
i want to give u your Druid back, but i never see your other acc online.
Mail me when u online next time


Re: a ignorant pesky noob on mabon says im a sold account

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:21 pm
by D0nk0
Hi Centorix,
i want to give u your Druid back, but i never see your other acc online.
Mail me when u online next time

Lol, that's actually quite funny , Shame your blatantly a super noob though.