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How to Skill up Vigour

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:24 pm
by bruce186
I have recieved the ability Vigour. I do not knowhow to skill it up. I have had it for 5 lvels and I am a rogue and have dual wield. I havent gotten a single skill up yet! How do I level this ability?! please help me

Re: How to Skill up Vigour

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:11 pm
by TwoForFlinching
Vigour determines your ability to dodge offensive DoT & Debuff skills, like Rend, Vines, Barbed Shot, and Deluge. You can increase you Vigour skill by fighting enemies that cast these sort of spells.

Re: How to Skill up Vigour

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:19 pm
by Mariner91
Vigour determines your ability to dodge offensive DoT & Debuff skills, like Rend, Vines, Barbed Shot, and Deluge. You can increase you Vigour skill by fighting enemies that cast these sort of spells.
Clarifying Question: Do you need to Dodge something to skill from it? NOT Vigour, but my Reflex (or what ever skills up on Bolas) goes up even when I don't dodge a bolas from those Trappers in Shalemont.

Re: How to Skill up Vigour

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:39 pm
by aleph
Mariner91, I posted this at the end of July:
Has anyone else noticed the inconsistency between training your skills (weapons, magic, etc.) versus the evasive abilities (fortitude, warding, etc.)? With skills the logic seems to be "practice makes perfect", where every time you use the ability successfully (cast a skill, hit an enemy) you have a chance for the ability to increase. With the passive evasion abilities, the logic seems to be "whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger", where you only gain skill in these abilities if you fail to evade/resist. Or, to simplify:
  • Congratulations, you hit the enemy with your stick. You are now better at hitting enemies with sticks.
  • Congratulations, you just took a direct hit from the enemy's fireball. You are now better at avoiding fireballs.
The rest of that post is irrelevant to the conversation at hand, but here's the link: ... 832#p84127

Re: How to Skill up Vigour

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:07 pm
by Mariner91
Thank you Aleph, as always!

Maybe the reasoning behind this is: If you level up by Avoiding an enemy attack, you may never get the skill off the ground :P :lol: ?

Re: How to Skill up Vigour

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:25 am
by TwoForFlinching
For your standard abilities, your attack does not need to land (e.g., you can miss) and your weapon ability can still increase. In my experience, it is the same for resistance abilities -- you don't need to evade an attack, you simply need to have a particular type of attack used against you and that type of resistance ability has the potential to increase.

Re: How to Skill up Vigour

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:09 pm
by Mihindu
You can learn from your mistakes.

In this case:
Mistake-Swing missed
Learned-Try not to miss, (sword) ability goes up.

Mistake-hit by firebolt
Learned-Evade it next time, evasion ability goes up.