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Player selling accounts across servers to clean items

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:34 am
by Fromen
The player zully in danu server has been selling his accounts in the last week to multiple ppl the name of the chars being sell/sold are merlinthemage, (mage). Letmehitthat ( ranger) merlinthebank(bank) it will be fair to disable all 3 chars. And/or any other player who he place the items gain from this transactions.

I myself have lost items worth 2 million gold to this player 4 weeks ago and I do take resposabiltiy for trading loaning and trusting the wrong person but in the spirit of fairness , will be fair that all this items and gold gain from the selling of the account this player should be disable, and new chars that he move those items too , to show the stealing of items and the selling of accounts will not be profitable, i take my loss but shouldnt thief be punnish too. Not laughing at how the system work.

Re: Player selling accounts across servers to clean items

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:27 am
by D0nk0
That's bad, lets hope they look into this.

Just out of interest, is that why you quit? I hate whoever made you quit!

Re: Player selling accounts across servers to clean items

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:03 am
by Fromen
That's bad, lets hope they look into this.

Just out of interest, is that why you quit? I hate whoever made you quit!
Was work reason I quit was expecting to be away for close to 6 months, but didnt work put, so i did truts him. And lend him my items cause he was always using my third char mage/ranger. Gear but that was my decision so is my own fault . But after that he went an sold both of his accounts and scam 1 person and sold it again ,took me 7 days to trace his new main tru 2 diferent servers. So im just asking to suspend those 4 accounts because he violate ToU went he sold those accounts and to block the little new account he is trasfering those items.

Re: Player selling accounts across servers to clean items

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:41 am
by D0nk0
1st I hate anyone getting scammed.
2nd I'm sorry that the work side didn't happen for you.
3rd I hope the sold accounts get banned.
4th I hope his ip address gets banned.

All the best fromen.

Re: Player selling accounts across servers to clean items

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:12 am
by CommunityBot
Hi there,

Please use the in-game Support Tool to report any players who you believe are engaged in account selling/trading.

The Support Team will then be able to investigate the situation and take any action as necessary.

Re: Player selling accounts across servers to clean items

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:07 pm
by Caliban
This is an interesting dilemma Fro. A common attitude toward the scammee is that 'you are stupid and it is your own fault'. I don't think you are stupid, but I don't think a punitive system of the sort you are suggesting is feasible. I dont know, but I think this might take an intense level of forensics from OTM. Essentially it would have to work something like this?

- all lux items are traceable. Is this possible now?
- player makes a claim on a particular lux item
- OTM starts with the current location of the lux item and traces back to the origin:
- when did the claimant acquire the item and how?
- when did the disputed trade take place?
- cross check chat logs for the time of the disputed trade

Then someone would have to make a bunch of policy related decisions. Should the item be returned? Is there a warning system for the accused player, e.g. 'Our CSI has determined that you falsely represented yourself in order to acquire lux items at the cost of another player. Please return the items. Failure to comply will result in temporary or permanent bans. Multiple, verified complaints will result in a permanent ban.' Massive exp fines could be levied, etc.

Maybe all this already possible and done? I dunno.

To fully institute this police state I recommend that they put ominous looking enforcers in the game and give them their own color chat. Judge Dread style... They could even just pop up if the player ignores the warning and decimate them in game prior to banning them. Warnings could be globally visible. Lol. :). Of course we will need an internal affairs division as well... You know.. Who watches the watchers? Otherwise we will have multiple, continuous threads from Honhiem about abuses from the police. :)

This is all to say, that I don't really think it is feasible, as it would take the creation, or real enhancement of an entire OTM team, which also means a resource drain on development efforts, I would guess. Do you see some other way this could work? Maybe they already do some form of this? I would be interested to know what happens with this.

Re: Player selling accounts across servers to clean items

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:15 pm
by Fromen
This is an interesting dilemma Fro. A common attitude toward the scammee is that 'you are stupid and it is your own fault'. I don't think you are stupid, but I don't think a punitive system of the sort you are suggesting is feasible. I dont know, but I think this might take an intense level of forensics from OTM. Essentially it would have to work something like this?

- all lux items are traceable. Is this possible now?
- player makes a claim on a particular lux item
- OTM starts with the current location of the lux item and traces back to the origin:
- when did the claimant acquire the item and how?
- when did the disputed trade take place?
- cross check chat logs for the time of the disputed trade

Then someone would have to make a bunch of policy related decisions. Should the item be returned? Is there a warning system for the accused player, e.g. 'Our CSI has determined that you falsely represented yourself in order to acquire lux items at the cost of another player. Please return the items. Failure to comply will result in temporary or permanent bans. Multiple, verified complaints will result in a permanent ban.' Massive exp fines could be levied, etc.

Maybe all this already possible and done? I dunno.

To fully institute this police state I recommend that they put ominous looking enforcers in the game and give them their own color chat. Judge Dread style... They could even just pop up if the player ignores the warning and decimate them in game prior to banning them. Warnings could be globally visible. Lol. :). Of course we will need an internal affairs division as well... You know.. Who watches the watchers? Otherwise we will have multiple, continuous threads from Honhiem about abuses from the police. :)

This is all to say, that I don't really think it is feasible, as it would take the creation, or real enhancement of an entire OTM team, which also means a resource drain on development efforts, I would guess. Do you see some other way this could work? Maybe they already do some form of this? I would be interested to know what happens with this.

Interesting but believe im not asking before i lost my items i will have not ground to ask because he didnt violate any term of use taking my items , the developvers had come a long way and stablish a solid trade policy , now we have multiple message warning you about all this issues , and with the new in mailbox system will reduce all the problem to a minimun.
Only leaving ppl who lend stuff to others players but that will be in the players own risk.

You will laugh to see how many of this old trixster/scammer laugh when you talk to them and they said nah they dont get punnish. I befriend all class of player on the server i play , so is easier for me to track a player :)
But too bad for him he sold/trade his account the violates ToU and that is his own fault :)
In game moderation from same players will be awesome and a lot games do have it but the conditions to be moderators in those games is you screw once you are ban so with power comes responsability.

Re: Player selling accounts across servers to clean items

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:09 am
by Fromen
Well the final answer from OTM was a warning to the player. Laughable i though ToU that was a bannable offense lol. :lol: