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Help! Religion preacher on Epona
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 6:21 pm
by Madman
There is a player on Epona who has started preaching that everyone should be Muslim and how Christianity is bad and wrong. I'd like him to be warrned or stopped because this game shouldn't be a place where people are under prosecution for not being Muslim! His name is XxCRUSADERxX. Your religion should be your own business and not a part of this game.
Re: Help! Religion preacher on Epona
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 10:23 pm
by CrewsMachine
Block 'em. Problem solved.
Re: Help! Religion preacher on Epona
Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:30 am
by howardisawesome
There is a player on Epona who has started preaching that everyone should be Muslim and how Christianity is bad and wrong. I'd like him to be warrned or stopped because this game shouldn't be a place where people are under prosecution for not being Muslim! His name is XxCRUSADERxX. Your religion should be your own business and not a part of this game.
What type of Muslim is this

Muslims are NOT allowed to convert people to be Muslims. i find it weird that i know more about his religion than he does