Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Please Refund Admin

Alrighty so this is the problem,

I started playing, and whipped out a combo, me and my druid friend Cadaver started training.(note that I get approximately 75% a level in the 105-110 level range per combo).
Then the server makes my game lag, and I hit 30k ping, losing 3 minutes off my elixer, (My Internet connection was 3 bars the whole time). Then I feel bad that my friend lost time, so I give him a free elixer to make up for his that he used. We continue training, and it happens AGAIN thirty seconds later, wasting 5 minutes off my elixer during the 30k ping lag freeze climb!!!!
I have like 4 minutes left on my elixer, that I can't use, and wasted a whole pot, for a whopping 8% gain.
I also cannot contact support because the problem is constant, and specific to today only.
I had a full connection the whole time, so I have no explanation for this.
May I please have a refund on my Super Combination Elixer?

My character is Avresi, and he is on Gwydion
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