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Money making

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 1:54 pm
by Dequon

Re: Money making

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 3:15 am
by Dersu
What level are you?
How do you usually play the game?

Making money gets easier as you increase in levels. The gold drops increase from zone to zone, and the drops that can be had increase in value (either due to vendor, or player desire).

Lir's is terrible for money as a general player, for instance. You get 1 - 3 gold per kill, and the drops are not so great. Moving into Dustwither will see your gold per drop increase (8 or 10 if memory serves) and you will get some armor or weapons that you can sell to a vendor. Again, once you move into Shalemont, the gold will increase, and you will get the odd Connacht weapon, which you can sell to a vendor for 30 - 50 gold each.

If you fight in a small group you will probably increase your gold per hour. Yes, you split the gold, but in the time that you can solo 1 mob, a small group might be able to kill 3 or 4 mobs. Groups are also good for the Dustwither mini-bosses (Kiara etc.) whose drops can be worth something.

You should learn what items are needed for Warden upgrade, and try to sell that to a player who needs it. A diamond, for instance, sells for 1000 gold at a vendor. A player might give you 3 to 5 times that amount.

Re: Money making

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 6:43 pm
by Dequon

Re: Money making

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:49 am
by Dersu
Hindsight is 20/20, and I don't want to make you feel bad, but did you buy the Redclaw from the NPC vendor? When did you buy it?

My views on money/gold are two fold. Part of having money is making it. The other part is not spending it. ie. Saving money on a purchase is equivalent to making the difference through other means. I can explain if you need me to.

Buying items from another player will be cheaper than buying from the vendor. It may be too late to get a refund, but you can take that information going forward should you want to upgrade to Ancient, Quartz, or Diamond. Shouting that you are buying a certain item can result in solid savings.

I understand the frustration of killing the same thing over and over. I spent about 20 levels killing eyes in the Otherworld :cry: But yes, grouping can alleviate the boredom, and will allow you to hunt some of the mini-bosses on the Defector quest. It will also allow you to venture into Stonevale for a change of pace. As a level 48 Warrior, you might find it difficult to fight wisps or boars on your own, but teaming with a Druid will be mutually beneficial. I would stay in Shale for the most part (you will make more money and better overall exp. there), but stepping into Stone for a bit will make the game exciting.

Be sure to do the questline in Shale. That is another way to gain focus. Many of the quests in Shale are also good in that all members of the group get the credit. So if there are other people who need to kill Trappers, or Coldseers, you can breeze through the quest, and get some other benefits on the way.

Also about money, I picked up every single mushroom I could find. When I got 100 Deathcaps, or 100 Milkstocks, I sold them to the vendor. D-caps sell for 3 gold each, and M-stalks sell for 1 gold (400 gold total for the lot). Fettlecaps you can sell to other players for a price that is determined by your local economy, usually in the 10 - 20 gold/Fettle range.

Do you do the Gladiator quest daily? Only 100 gold for your level, but gain two more levels and you can fight the level 50 Gladiator. I think that one gives 200 gold per day, plus a jump in experience.

Good luck with it all!

Re: Money making

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:33 pm
by Dequon
(Still solved)

Re: Money making

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:17 am
by Dersu
Overall that is a good deal. Sometimes you have to buy from the vendor.

Ya, I would stay in Shale. I say that for a couple reasons:

1.) I made the mistake on my main of going into Stone at level 45 to solo boars. I guess I was also tired of Connachts, and wanted to move in with the big guys, but in hindsight, Shale would have been better. I could have made it to 55-60 faster, and would have had more gold.

2.) I have a level 48 secondary character, and he is staying in Shale. He is doing very well there. Good exp., good gold, and fast kills. I also do a quest with him there that gives good exp. (I'll get to that in a sec.)

3.) It will give you the chance to complete the Shale quests (Defector, Luther), which will give exp., gold, and items. I left Shale early, and finished the Defector quest at level 98... useless at that point.

Can you fast travel or do you farm leystone frags? If so, the quest I mentioned in number 2 is the tavern pie quest. Might not be worth the time if you have to run back and forth from the tavern, but if you can fast travel, that quest is great. The Connacht food tasters you need to kill spawn in the area you are fighting (so you kill normal mobs, and a taster when it spawn). You will get around 6000 exp and a HP increasing pie for completing the quest. Use the pies when you team with a Druid.

All in all, Shale is good, I think. You should get good exp and gold from Connachts you around your level. For exp you can kill the odd Horse as well. They should give you around 1500 exp, but they don't drop anything. For extra gold, you can run through the lower camps (Ironspike, Gannon, and near Greygorge).

Do that for a couple days, sell the drops, then look at the gold on your stat page. I suspect you will be in better spirits than when you started this thread :)

ps - Grats on 50!

Re: Money making

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:10 pm
by Dequon
Shale it is then :D

I can fast travel (didnt know you couldfarm leystone frags)

I completed a few easy quests as well :)

Re: Money making

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:55 am
by Dersu
Shale it is then :D

I can fast travel (didnt know you couldfarm leystone frags)

I completed a few easy quests as well :)
Technically, you farm mining picks in Crookback. Turn 4 picks into the miner at the entrance and he will give you 20 gold and one leystone fragment.

Glad to hear things are working out for you.