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Problem switching from Mobile forums - Full Version.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:05 pm
by BLRD-7
When on a specific topic and on Mobile version, if you want to view the topic in 'full version', you click the link to switch to full version and it takes you back to main menu and not back to the topic you were originally on.

This is a problem because when someone posts a link to a specific thread, when I click the link (on iPad2), it sends me to the thread but on Mobile Version.. Then when I click 'Full Version' it sends me back to the main menu of forums.

Not a big problem and I'm sure I can work around it.. Would just be nice if it left me on the topic :)

Re: Problem switching from Mobile forums - Full Version.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:12 pm
by CommunityBot
I think this is an issue with the way the mobile theme has been designed/coded, and unfortunately there isn't much we can do at this stage.

We are thinking of redesigning the forums, and part of this will be a new mobile theme which will hopefully be more functional than the current one.