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Need help on Sulis forum!

Okay, I believe Chace111 is at it again. He's been giving me and others a false name on a new account called Justabeaver, that I'm another players alt. This isn't that big a deal. But when he makes another account called butterman and makes it look like he is me and other people from sulis, then that's where I draw the line. Someone look at these two accounts!!! Justabeaver and butterman on Sulis forum...
You get what you give.
KingHrothgar: 130+ Warrior
World: Sulis
Clan: Retribution

Re: Need help on Sulis forum!

Yeah I saw them, I think you are right, that they are one and the same person. His butterman profile is basically taking the piss out of Tog, and he does nothing but moan and *** about the game, clans and players with his favourite victim being Retribution and its members. He is not helpful or informative at all. I think something needs to be done about people who contribute in a negative fashion all the time. This game and this forum is about being a community and individuals like him can be detrimental to the game as personal attacks can cause players to stop playing this game as well as giving an unfair and unfounded, negative impression of certain players and clans.

It may be that we just have to ignore comments like his, don't respond in anyway and he may get bored of whatever it is that he is trying to achieve.
Lysyra Retribution Warrior
Arien Transcendent Mage

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