Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Please help me

Yesterday I was scammed 1 mil+ by mrsiceburn who is also known as superslasher and killerrogue. She also bought the account binladen/dlee from someone who doesn't play anymore. She had mrsiceburn invited to the clan and trusted so i trusted her then she said killerogue was her alt and she wanted to try my stuff. Since she was a trusted member I let her but when i tried to get it back she said "thanks for the Christmas gifts". I am so pissed i cant see strait. She stole (shrouded broom of embers 300k, heroic gloves 150k, golden helm of bloodlust 300k is price for morrigan, golden dagger of venom 250k). Please support your my only hope and I have over 5 witnesses. i bought all that stuff with plat over $100 of plat and I am probably going to quit this game if this isn't fixed and wont buy anymore plat. I am not in anyway rich and $100 itunes gift apple was not easy to get. I also have several witnesses confirming his purchase binladen for 100k. please help or I am going to rage quite. I HATE scammers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :x :x :x :x :evil: :evil: And everyone who witnessed please support this. Skullcrusher is giving me heroic gloves gold venom and gold severity early but i have to pay him off so i am in a 550k money pit:( But he is nice to do this for me. i would rather quit than be in a 550k moneypit.
MortalCreed 225 Rogue
EMT 136+ Druid
Zapto 215+ Mage
Noob of Avalon:D
My YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/ajhrygBzBBU

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