Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

disconnection problem

i always get disconnected during game play and when i stand under a tree in stonevale with my mage and try to cast skill it says cannot cast skill. Also when am trying to apply energy boost it is very slow loading and my bandage wounds skills as well when compared to others i see healing while fighting mobs. i get the red numbers like above 200 when casting under the auto attack button and get disconnected. Can you fix this please

Re: disconnection problem

It mainly be the problem that your Internet is bad and its not working as if it would when using better wifi you will mabye have to get a newer Internet connection
shathe level 96: the main
Iceshards level 61 mage: the alt
XxrougexX level 62 rouge: the alt
Supporthealer level 28 druid: the noob
Uberdragon level 32 druid: the bank
Shathe2 level 2 ranger: im working on it -_-
Shathehealer level 22: the healer

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