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New ranger with some questions

Hey guys I started playing so I have a few questions maybe someone could help me with.
Gear- I'm only level 15 and i relaize that at low levels gear changes quickly so I dont really want to spend a lot of gold on vendor gear but, my quests arent really giving me much.
Quests- Im finding that I have a lot of quests but most of them are those repeatable side quests. i cant figure out the real story line quests. and how do I delete/abandon the useless quests and have them stop showing up on my map and confusing me?
i really wish that when im in backpack that it would tell me which items are for quests and which items i can drop. i feel like a hoarder holding on to a bunch of crap
also when looking a at new gear is there a way i can have it display both the new gear and the gear im wearing stats for comparison?
thank in advance for the help

Re: New ranger with some questions


You can not delete your quests, a ! shows that there is a quest being need done by you and a ? on the map shows that you have finished a quest. And for comparison of gear, well if you go to the shop and click the item, if for example piercing damage is in green then it means it is more than your current bow, red means that is it worth than your current bow and white means it is the same as your current gear. If you click on the quest it will show you what item you need for the quest and from there you know, also if you bank an item for a quest and say you needed 5 of it, it will say 5 remaining instead of 4 as you have banked it, when you bank it, it will show the quest name as well.

Hope I helped you
My Ranger Skill Guide- http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 15#p149837

Anyone in Morigan who is looking to buy plat items for gold/other items let me know, preferably gold.

Re: New ranger with some questions

You can reset skills with a Book of Alteration. You will get one in the normal quest chain in Stonevale (I think) and one book of rebirth (which resets everything else, attributes, etc.) If you want another, you can buy it from someone who has it or purchase platinum to get it. I don't have a ranger, so I'm not the best to advise you on whether you have set your character up the best, but that is the method to change if you haven't.
Xanadu - Mage 228+ - Forever - Rosmerta

Re: New ranger with some questions

Ranger lvl 19
strength 25
dexterity 40
focus 20
vitality 35
recuperate 1/10
bandage wounds 3/10
sharp shot 8/10
steady aim 2/10
camouflage 1/10
rapid shot 4/10
barbed shot 5/10
light heal 2/10
meditate 1/10
take points from bandage and put in light heal, always have that maxed!!! bolas maxed, and sharpshot maxed, next up on list of priorities is steady aim! next is camo and u should have ur points drowned by now
Lv 130 active rogue
Long lost level 100 mage

Re: New ranger with some questions

what class are you and what are the stats for that character (list the points in skills and stats)
stop. spamming. for. yer. stupid. post. count!!!!!
@ uzi, sharp shot starts doing same damage as auto around 45. so i wouldnt invest to heavily, unless yer a dex ranger.
Galactus: Level 100 Rogue
World: Taranis
Clan: Curiosity

Re: New ranger with some questions

what class are you and what are the stats for that character (list the points in skills and stats)
stop. spamming. for. yer. stupid. post. count!!!!!
@ uzi, sharp shot starts doing same damage as auto around 45. so i wouldnt invest to heavily, unless yer a dex ranger.
i was gonna say that but i had to go to church :(
Lv 130 active rogue
Long lost level 100 mage

Re: New ranger with some questions

Right, first things first, if you want a dex ranger that doesn`t hit that high, is more of dodger etc and needs less heal go for: dexterity first,strength next,vitallity next then focus. Unless you don`t have regens then just increase focus or buy equipment for it. I would suggest if you like boss killing go for a high strength ranger. So for a strength ranger, max rapid shot.steady aim, light heal and bolas. Also, if you have spare points I would probably use on meditate if you don1t have the regens, if you max it your energy will be back very quick, get skill rings, best one for you is rapid shot and light heal.
My Ranger Skill Guide- http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 15#p149837

Anyone in Morigan who is looking to buy plat items for gold/other items let me know, preferably gold.

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