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Dropped items

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:28 pm
by Allyme
I am getting tire of this :geek: i have asked for my bloodstrike breastplate multiple times on the support in-game feature but there hasn't been any reply back or have been givin back my breastplate . So i came here my characters name is Allyme,warrior, world:gwydion please read my post and give back my bp i need it i am currently without one -.-

Re: Dropped items

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:58 am
by CommunityBot
Hi there,

If you have sent the Support Team a message they will respond, however it may take some time as they are currently working hard to clear the Christmas backlog as they received a large number of requests over the holiday period.

However, please be assured that your issue will be looked at as soon as possible.