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Im mad at this

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:33 am
by ryanb3
This is for an admin well how the heck am i supposed to play when all that happens is crassings, laggings and app not letting u play. Idk what to do, i dont wanna quit but i cant play cuz its not been working for last 4 hrs if u can Fix It Plz

Re: Im mad at this

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:46 am
by admin
Please have a look at this post: ... 69&t=11538

It will help you solve your connection issues. Hope that helps!

Re: Im mad at this

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:17 am
by ryanb3
Wont work this makes me mad wat shud i do then admin?

Re: Im mad at this

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:52 am
by Dersu
No matter what, it sounds like the problem is on your end... not the game. OTM can give advice on what might help the situation, but realize that it isn't the game or the servers... thousands of people are connected without issue.

There are a couple other things I can suggest which weren't in the linked post.

1. For connection, fully shut down your wi-fi and restart it. I don't know how you play, but that might mean switching off your modem, computer, whatnot. Restart it all and try again.

2. For crashes, check the free memory on your device. I have heard from several people that the game crashes often if there isn't enough free memory. If you have a lot of movies or music on your device, try deleting some and see if that helps.

3. For lag, decrease the draw distance on your screen. If your device is trying to show too much information, it might slow down the game.