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Possible Transfer of a Character??

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:15 pm
by Agentyamski
I was wondering if it were possible for one of my toons to be transferred over from one of my accounts to another. Before I had a second iDevice, I put my mage and ranger on the same account, which would now be wonderful to use, if only I could access both toons at the same time. Would I be able to get a transfer of the mage from one account to another one that is mine?? Or would that not be possible?? Any feedback from support would be wonderful. Thanks :D :D

Re: Possible Transfer of a Character??

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:58 am
by CommunityBot
Hi there,

I'm afraid that it is not possible to transfer characters between accounts at this time, but we may consider it in the future.

Re: Possible Transfer of a Character??

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:22 pm
by D0nk0
It was a bit of an arse when I figured out the mistake I made by putting my original druid and ranger on my warrior account.
Most people back in the day did the same thing.

Basically you are going to need to do some retraining.

Re: Possible Transfer of a Character??

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:55 am
by Aileron
Hi there,

I'm afraid that it is not possible to transfer characters between accounts at this time, but we may consider it in the future.
I know you guys always say its for players protection why you don't want to do this but more accounts could mean more revenue since packs and sigils cannot be sold in game. Proper registration and email confirmation should be sufficient security.

Re: Possible Transfer of a Character??

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:24 am
by D0nk0
Hi there,

I'm afraid that it is not possible to transfer characters between accounts at this time, but we may consider it in the future.
I know you guys always say its for players protection why you don't want to do this but more accounts could mean more revenue since packs and sigils cannot be sold in game. Proper registration and email confirmation should be sufficient security.
And I would have thought 3 separate account with separate log in details would be more secure if anything.

Re: Possible Transfer of a Character??

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:50 am
by Yilley
Hi there,

I'm afraid that it is not possible to transfer characters between accounts at this time, but we may consider it in the future.
I know you guys always say its for players protection why you don't want to do this but more accounts could mean more revenue since packs and sigils cannot be sold in game. Proper registration and email confirmation should be sufficient security.
This is true but dual logging or even more is something players do, not something that was thought of when OTM or most MMORPGs want players to do. If they wanted players to dual device with 2 characters they would allow u to do it on the same account. They may not say this is against the tos and really shouldnt be but its something players choose to do so asking them to move characters between accounts to make it easier for ppl to dual log probably wont happen.

Re: Possible Transfer of a Character??

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:08 pm
by D0nk0
And tbh it also makes players who want extra account spend more money.

It will stop scams on people who transfer to alts IF they have a second device.
This is how I have never actually been scammed myself whilst ring to transfer between characters.

Re: Possible Transfer of a Character??

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:44 pm
by Eliminater
This is a nice idea the only concern is that it could cause a large increase in account selling and scamming so there would need to be some kind of limits on it, what do you think of that?
This is what admn most recently said about Splitting accounts .

Re: Possible Transfer of a Character??

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:34 pm
by Aileron
This is a nice idea the only concern is that it could cause a large increase in account selling and scamming so there would need to be some kind of limits on it, what do you think of that?
This is what admn most recently said about Splitting accounts .
Make the account owner pay to have the account split. Not too many people who are selling off characters are willing to spend real $$$ to make it happen.

Re: Possible Transfer of a Character??

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:46 pm
by Fromen
This is a nice idea the only concern is that it could cause a large increase in account selling and scamming so there would need to be some kind of limits on it, what do you think of that?
This is what admn most recently said about Splitting accounts .
Make the account owner pay to have the account split. Not too many people who are selling off characters are willing to spend real $$$ to make it happen.

Put a reasonable platinum value around 60 platinum and only 2 split per account for life . Meaning i made a alt i. The same account i realise my mistake too late i want move it . But more then 2 splits for the same accout and to move the chars more then 2 times will seen like a scam.