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Elixers and Leveling

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:53 am
by RosmertaLottery
Hi everyone this is Scofield from Rosmerta. I need To know how far my elixers will get me. I am currently level 109. I have purchased 130 super knowledge and 72 super combo. Please let me know what level that can get me to. Thanks!

Re: Elixers and Leveling

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:00 am
by SL1c3
Use use use use the elixers till your your desired level then sell the rest. People level at different speeds on elixers.

Re: Elixers and Leveling

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:07 am
by The Aggronator
I did 145-150 with under 50 super knowledge if that helps.

Re: Elixers and Leveling

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:14 am
by RosmertaLottery
I did 145-150 with under 50 super knowledge if that helps.
Wow! I guess I'll probably have to settle at about level 130 with those. Maybe higher. I guess I'll find out.

Re: Elixers and Leveling

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:48 pm
by Trajedy
It really depends on the speed you kill things (grouping lowers xp, but also raises kill speed - for some classes/setups lixing is a waste unless grouped), and how savvy you are at picking which mobs to train on. (their lvl vs yours, do they resist your type of attack, etc)

Remember, that the lower levels take less xp, so it can take only a few lixes at a lower lvl, while it takes many(, many, many) at a high lvl.

Re: Elixers and Leveling

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:54 pm
by Vilicrex
good luck
a advise i like to give
use combos to solo and xp elixirs with a druid :D

Re: Elixers and Leveling

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:58 pm
by Yilley
For ur lvl should be about 4-5 elixers per lvl best option is to get a small group of a druid, rogue or ranger for dps, and a warrior. You can also get any lure mage they really help speed up kills but need to make sure u have enough mobs for the extra speed. For ur character i would go to the end of the green trees were they are lvl 111+ and train here as long as ur other group members are not higher then these. Stay here till about 113 if u move past the swamp towards brown trees there are lvl 113+ green ones. After lvl 113 move to brown trees and continue till about 117-118. After this move to the lvl 120 golems continue to kill till 123 if u to towards rockalanche the golems there are 123+. Once 123 move to greystone golems make a loop to train in and follow the same loop shouldnt have any problems wih running out of mobs unless u have to much dps. After reaching lvl 128 move onto lava golems and red horses. With ur amount of elixers reaching 130+ shouldnt be impossible.