Basically this Vilicrex guy used to be pages (until he got caught scamming)
Before pages he used to be razornight (until he got caught scamming)
And now he is also ericocity13 on danu (which he bought because I kik the real owner)
So for over a year he has been buying, selling, scamming, but basically not bothering to play the game at all.
OP: send me a message if you need a middle man next time and I will happily step in for you.
Oh, also it is not public knowledge but a guy called godzilla double scammed when he offered to be a "middleman" for a world transfer. I mean how low can you go???
Edit: OTM can you sort this **** out please, check ip addresses or something as the sheer level of posting on the forum admitting to this is becoming a joke
No im not eric anymore i got his acc then sold to last mortal then gave to christy is wat i was told...
And no i was only pages and vilicrex on forums
I dont care anymore
Maybe next time u can have a smart middle man like d0nk0
And the story with razorknight was
Awhile back 3-4 months ago i saw razor
I used to be close friends with razorknight
He said his sister was quitting and i was like i could take care of razor for her while she was gone and i failed to do so . Like everything else i do...
So i sold razor a few times as i bought and sold him multiple times and the last time i had him i sold to last mortal
Then Asked eric for Eric and he gave and day later i sold to last mortal then i scamed 916 on morrigan and bought vilicrex the mage and used the items there
Then sold the mage and items and had roxy xfer the items to mabon for me in at items and the story goes on
Instead of tryin to tell my story
Let me tell it for you.