Same problem here!
- bought platin the 1st time
- can not connect anymore
- i can log in, but don't see my character
- if i hit "continue" in login-screen, it says "server no response, pls try again later"
- i cant create a new character on other realms/worlds
- in the world selection i see, that 1 slot is used...which means my character is still there
- i tried reboot
- i tried Wifi reset
- i tried to connect with other wifi of neighbour and at office
- i even tried to reinstall game
- i logged out of applestore
- i started another app/game with inApp-Buy transactions...
- and finally: i spent real money and the game does not work!
- btw: the support tool is a brilliant idea if u can only use it after log in -.-
What shall i do now?