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The difference between "log in" and "continue"?

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 4:26 pm
by RechargeRHH
Alright so when you open the CH app where you type in your username and password, it gives you 2 options to "get online".
One is "log in" and the other is "continue".
I use both buttons to log on and i notice no difference, is there a difference that i dont see?

Re: The difference between "log in" and "continue"?

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 4:31 pm
by Voldemort
When I press "Log In", the character select screen appears.

When I press "Continue", the game loads with the last character I was playing.

However, I close the game by immediately pressing the home button. If you go to options and then log out, then pressing "Continue" will not be any different to pressing "Log In".

I'm moving this to the Help section. :)