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Armor stats
Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:13 am
by HerbALot
Hi all,
i have been playing celtic heroes before the first update.
about a year ago i stopped playing and this december (after the patch)i started playing CH again.
now i've noticed that there are some new quest with new items.
thats why i want to ask some of the experienced players something about armor
i am a mage lvl 70 and a druid lvl 45 (waiting before my mage is higher untill i start playing again)
i want to know wich armor is the best? form weakest to strongest.
this is my idea, i dont think the duskshadow armor, with evasion and the extra skill is that strong.
Ancient - river
Duskshadow - Quest (at temple)
Ancient - Stoneville
Darkshadow - Quest (in stoneville farm)
Warden - Quest (at lirs reach)
Meteoric - Quest (dont know)
Quarts - Otherworld.
diamond ??? - i've heard some players talking about diamond armor, but i've never seen it.
i dont know if i am right so any advice is welcome!
Re: Armor stats
Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:58 pm
by Emilus
Diamond armour would be a good start, lvl 80 req tho.
Re: Armor stats
Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:10 pm
by Precision
Hi all,
i have been playing celtic heroes before the first update.
about a year ago i stopped playing and this december (after the patch)i started playing CH again.
now i've noticed that there are some new quest with new items.
thats why i want to ask some of the experienced players something about armor
i am a mage lvl 70 and a druid lvl 45 (waiting before my mage is higher untill i start playing again)
i want to know wich armor is the best? form weakest to strongest.
this is my idea, i dont think the duskshadow armor, with evasion and the extra skill is that strong.
Ancient - river
Duskshadow - Quest (at temple)
Ancient - Stoneville
Darkshadow - Quest (in stoneville farm)
Warden - Quest (at lirs reach)
Meteoric - Quest (dont know)
Quarts - Otherworld.
diamond ??? - i've heard some players talking about diamond armor, but i've never seen it.
i dont know if i am right so any advice is welcome!
For Your Mage and Druid i'd highly suggest diamond top and greaves, spirit shadow boots and gloves, a focus crown or if you don't buy sigils then go with the energy crown.
All this gear adds the maximum focus from armour and boosts your spells and heals by quite a bit but may be out of your budget. If so then the warden series of armour (meteoric and frozen) are quite good for solo lvling and are generally pretty cheap.
Re: Armor stats
Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 5:13 pm
by Voldemort
Diamond is also in the Otherworld, by a second Leystone.
Welcome back too!
Moved to Ask for Help.
Re: Armor stats
Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:10 pm
by HerbALot
thanks for your advice all!
spiritshadow armor are from the quest done in stoneville?
and can someone point the armor from best to worst?
1: diamond
2: quarts
3: meteoric
4: etc
5: etc
because i aint rich enough for diamond (and i have never bin to the second leystone)
so in the main time i want to buy some other items
but still thanks for you advice!
Re: Armor stats
Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:45 am
by I'mdead
You need a invisibility potion. Once you past all the eyes and made it to the trees, you use the invisibility at that point and tah-da! You have made it to the second leystone. Using a broom, camo charms etctera are all optional to go to the 2nd leystone.
Re: Armor stats
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:47 am
by I'mdead
Here is worst-best:
1. The armor you start with
2. Plate (warrior) or whatever
3. Redclaw (warrior) or whatever
4. Duskshadow
5. Ancient (shalemont)
6. Ancient (stonevale)
7. Darkshadow
8. Warden
9. Quartz
10. Warden upgrade 1 (Metoeric)
11. Spiritshadow
12. Diamond
13. Warden upgrade 2 (frozen)
14. Warden upgrade 3 (upcoming)? Maybe dragon?
Edit: I'll probably make this better, improving it.
Re: Armor stats
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 8:17 am
by HerbALot
tnx but where is the duskshadow, darkshadow and spiritshadow?
some people say its better for mages. only because of the focos, ye the armor stats are less, but like i sad only for focus.
so if you are a warrior, ranger or rogue (maybe druid i dont know) u shouldt use dusk-, dark-, spiritshadow quest armor
Re: Armor stats
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 10:16 am
by Precision
tnx but where is the duskshadow, darkshadow and spiritshadow?
some people say its better for mages. only because of the focos, ye the armor stats are less, but like i sad only for focus.
so if you are a warrior, ranger or rogue (maybe druid i dont know) u shouldt use dusk-, dark-, spiritshadow quest armor
As I stated earlier this is the best possible armour combination for Druids and mages, I can't stress enough how benefitial it is.
For Your Mage and Druid i'd highly suggest diamond top and greaves, spirit shadow boots and gloves, a focus crown or if you don't buy sigils then go with the energy crown.
All this gear adds the maximum focus from armour and boosts your spells and heals by quite a bit but may be out of your budget. If so then the warden series of armour (meteoric and frozen) are quite good for solo lvling and are generally pretty cheap.
Re: Armor stats
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 10:36 am
by HerbALot
tnx precision, but i've never bin to the leystone where i can buy diamond and if i be there, i aint probably rich enough to buy the top or leggings.
and i also dont know where to do spiritshadow quest (i think other world)
so if i translate it to lower lvl:
Top: quarts
legging: quarts
gloves: darkshadow
boots: darkshadow
head: darkshadow?
or should i instead of quarts use warden armor?