Celtic Heroes

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The ruin of the game - hacking.

For all that play in rosmerta, i think you know that after the aggragoth fight today this post was inevitable.

Clans Awakening, Revenge and Atrophy fought for aggragoth today (atrophy and revenge working together)
All 3 clans were present before the fight started, preping dps groups and battle strategies.

The fight started and about 5% into the kill, the tank of clan Revenge (i will only say the name to the admin when i send pics of the event) Used a jailbroken device to drag aggy up the wall to be un-targetable. My clan awakening eventually caught on to what was happeneing.

In the prespective of clan awakening: The objective of the opposing clan was to use a wall hack to bring aggy up and down the wall, bringing the dragon down so their clan's dps could target it, then dragging it up so clan awakening could not target.

Clan awakening does ks, ffa in our eyes is 100% acceptable and the server knows that, what is unacceptable is cheating.

Clan awakening did get the kill in the end but it is not fair that someone can use a hack to take so much advantage of a boss fight and how crucial it is to be fixed.

I post this in general discussion to get the opinion of other players and to tell OTM that this is not the way the game should be played (not that they think it is).

Guide to Warden/Meteo/Frozen/Dragon Weps : http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... =4&t=32427

Re: The ruin of the game - hacking.

agreed, that is garbage and deserves a permanent ban
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

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