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Mage or Ranger

So my Question is what Class should I make my main,my Mage is lvl 67 and got 500 Sigils but only 20 Backspackspace (he got full Warden except Weapon),my Ranger is lvl 109 and got 110 Backpackspyce and full meteroic except Bp
Lux I got is Golden Quiver of Magic,Heroic Boots and Gloves and Golddn Ammy of Rejuvenation.

I would like to know which Class is the better with the current setup (for excample if 400 Eneregy and 100 health sigils are enough for a high lvled mage)

It would be nice if you could give me advice om making what Class a Main.

Re: Mage or Ranger

Ranger has superior dps until 150. Mage has lots of energy problems. Rangers always win duels because of bolas, don't understand why they don't bolas before previous one expires. Mages always lose to dps classes because we can't ever find a good build.

But since you have sigils...........
Try mage!
Lv 130 active rogue
Long lost level 100 mage

Re: Mage or Ranger

Ranger has superior dps until 150. Mage has lots of energy problems. Rangers always win duels because of bolas, don't understand why they don't bolas before previous one expires. Mages always lose to dps classes because we can't ever find a good build.

But since you have sigils...........
Try mage!
OK,thanks for the advice I'll try mage.

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